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Cyprus eurozone bailout prompts anger as savers hand over possible 10% levy

Angry Cypriots try in vain to withdraw savings as eurozone bailout terms break taboo of hitting bank depositors. European finance ministers have agreed an £8.7bn bailout for Cypruswhich includes all Cypriot bank customers handing over up to 10% of their savings. Cyprus becomes the fifth country after Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain to turn to the eurozone for financial help amid the region's debt crisis ...

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Salary cuts in CapGemini: ReINFORM’s letter to employees and trade unions.

Beste vrienden, Nadat we het bericht zagen dat het bestuur van CapGemini de salarissen van ongeveer 300 werknemer wil matigen tot en met 30% besloten we deze brief aan jullie te sturen. Dit bericht is voor ons heel belangrijk want verschillende mensen die in onze groep actief zijn, hebben vergelijkbare ervaringen in Griekenland gehad als werknemers en vakbondsactivisten. ...

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For a European Spring: A call for action in Amsterdam against the EU Spring Summit

For a European Spring' is a call for actions, strikes and demonstrations all over Europe on the 13th of March, and for a pan-European demonstration and creative actions in the city of Brussels on the 14th of March. It is targeted at the EU Spring Summit, where leaders from across the continent will assemble on the 14th and 15 to strengthen the European Council's response to the crisis. ...

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Tunisia’s revolution annexed

Almost everyone in Tunisia believes that the benefits of the revolution are in danger. Perhaps from a “secular” opposition that refuses to admit that the conservative An-Nahda Islamists were the clear winners in the National Constituent Assembly elections in October 2011. Or from the An-Nahda Islamists, who want to use their victory to infiltrate the state from within, while exploiting the fear inspired by ...

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Means of production

Digital manufacturing with 3D printers is for some enthusiasts an anti-consumer concept, promising a return to a craft ethos and an end to outsourcing. But this may not be the real future of the technique. The third industrial revolution might come with personal or digital manufacturing, when what used to be bought in a shop could be made at home with such tools as laser cutters, 3D printers and computer nu ...

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Global Slavery, by the Numbers

Here are some chilling statistics: The lifetime profit on a brickmaking slave in Brazil is $8,700, and $2,000 in India. Sexual slavery brings the slave’s owner $18,000 over the slave’s working life in Thailand, and $49,000 in Los Angeles. These are some of the numbers recently published by a foundation financed by a New York company that analyzes data for business intelligence, which deployed the same techn ...

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Correspondence from Bulgaria

Translated by ReINFORM Correspondence from Bulgaria: “The events and developments of the Bulgarian Winter” Up to this time, protesting has been taking place daily (from February, 12 until today, March, 3). Every afternoon people gather at the city centers and protest. This happens in over 40 cities and villages, even in areas where no protests had ever happened before. The protests initially targeted the re ...

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The police assault on Ierissos near the Skouries forest

Greece - 07 March 2013 The police campaign to intimidate and even terrorize the anti-mining movement in north-eastern Halkidiki took a new turn this morning when several platoons of riot police entered the village of Ierissos, allegedly to summon witnesses to the regional police HQ in Polygyros and to conduct house searches. Residents initially reported 6 platoons, but later concluded that the number of rio ...

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On the Legacy of Hugo Chávez

I first met Hugo Chávez in New York City in September 2006, just after his infamous appearance on the floor of the UN General Assembly, where he called George W. Bush the devil. “Yesterday, the devil came here,” he said, “Right here. Right here. And it smells of sulfur still today, this table that I am now standing in front of.” He then made the sign of the cross, kissed his hand, winked at his audience and ...

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