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Merkel’s monetary imperialism and the death of democracy

The real causes of and the myths about the crisis by Jérôme E. Roos Negotiations are going on for an effective abolition of Greek national sovereignty in what the Financial Times has called an “unprecedented outside intervention in the Greek economy.” Believe it or not, the European Union is set to ‘peacefully’ annex Greece, essentially putting the country’s economy under direct conservatorship of the north ...

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European Debt Crisis? You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

By Jérôme E. Roos In the wake of the Greek and Irish crises last year, analysts predicted that the collapse of the eurozone might become the big story of 2011. But while our neighbors in North Africa and the Middle East have burst into full-blown revolution, all appears to be quiet on the Western front. Or does it?   Last Thursday, Moody’s downgraded Spain’s credit rating, sending shock waves through t ...

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Greece: Same Tragedy, Different Scripts

By Walden Bello, July 2010 Cafés are full in Athens, and droves of tourists still visit the Parthenon and go island-hopping in the fabled Aegean. But beneath the summery surface, there is confusion, anger and despair as this country plunges into its worst economic crisis in decades. The global media has presented Greece, tiny Greece, as the epicenter of the second stage of the global financial crisis, much ...

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The Myth and the Tragedy: The Greek Debt Crisis

A very interesting PhD Research Proposal by Jérôme E. Roos: My research proposal for a PhD in Social and Political Science at the European University Institute, applying the ideas of Marx, Gramsci, Minsky and Keynes to the Greek debt crisis.   Working title The Myth and the Tragedy: The Greek Debt Crisis in Comparative-Historical Perspective Introduction The Greek debt crisis of 2010 marked a watershed ...

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Five reasons why Europe is cracking up

Excellent analysis by José Ignacio Torreblanca: In Germany, France and Italy, but also in many other places, we find ourselves confronted with a generation of leaders ever more shortsighted and given over to electioneering: among them, none speak to Europe nor for Europe. Denmark has reintroduced border controls with the populist excuse of controlling crime. By taking the step, the country that was once a m ...

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The American Dream

The AMERICAN DREAM is a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you've been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Fede ...

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Na Arabische lente, nu hete Griekse zomer

Woedende Grieken komen elke avond naar het parlement om de volksvertegenwoordigers uit te schelden. 'Dit protest is begonnen bij de mensen zelf.' De Grieken zijn het zat. En op weinig plekken is dat zo duidelijk te zien als bij het parlement in de hoofdstad Athene. Elke avond rond zes uur komen duizenden mensen naar de trappen voor de volksvertegenwoordiging om de parlementariërs uit te schelden. Ook deze w ...

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Global Research: The Euro-Debt Crisis: Greece, Portugal, Spain. The Debts are Unpayable. Once the Lending Stops the Bottom Falls Out.

By Bob Chapman We hope all of our appearances on Greek TV, radio and in the press have helped the educational process and to allow the Greeks to identify who the real culprits are, and what to do about it. It has just been over a year since this tragedy became reality, but we reported on Greece and Italy ten years ago. They both bent the rules to enter the euro zone.  We knew then that Goldman Sachs and JPM ...

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The Greek "Ultimatum": Bailout (For The Bankers) And (Loss Of) Sovereignty

By Tyler Durden So after one year of beating around the bush, it is finally made clear that, as many were expecting all along, the ultimate goal of the Greek "bailouts" is nothing short of the state's (partial for now) annexation by Europe. According to an FT breaking news article, "European leaders are negotiating a deal that would lead to unprecedented outside intervention in the Greek economy, including ...

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The four myths of the Indignant movement

Myths have always been an essential part of the institution of society. There has never been a society without myths, there have never existed humans without unreal stories and fairy tales. Myths are to a large extent the driving forces of individual actions and certainly are the means through which collective bonds and identities are created and consolidated. Apart from the conventional use of the word "my ...

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