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Village of all together – Call for help to the refugees in Lesvos, Greece

“Village of all together” was born in Lesbos in 2012 from the need to create a solidarity network as an answer to the consequences of the economic crisis but even more as an organized action to ensure that the local population will not become a victim of the Golden Dawn’s propaganda. Unlike other non-governmental organizations, the “Village of all together” is not a legal entity but a network of citizens, c ...

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ReINFORM – The crisis must be paid by those who created it

On Wednesday, February 11th, the negotiations between the Greek government and the Eurogroup began. The Greek government entered the negotiations by asserting a part of Greek people's demands who protested on the streets for years. They essentially ask for what goes without saying: the handling of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Greece. Such a handling can only be achieved by stopping the disastrous poli ...

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Solidarity with the people in Greece! No to the blackmail of the EU! – Press Release

Rectificatie Geachte pers, Gisteren hebben wij als medeorganisatoren deelgenomen aan de demonstratie in de Dam Amsterdam met het thema GIVE GREECE A CHANCE, SOLIDARITY WITH THE PEOPLE IN GREECE! NO TO THE BLACKMAIL OF THE EU! In de uitnodiging stond: “We nodigen iedereen uit om samen met de Griekse bevolking te demonstreren tegen de eis van de Eurogroep om de wurgcontracten in Griekenland te handhaven. We w ...

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The Resolution of Dam Square – 15/2/2015

We the people of Dam Square, we demand - the write off of the debt - the end of the austerity policies in Greece and in the Netherlands. We fight - so that we don't allow the banks to lead our lives - for the right of the people to make their own destiny. Venceremos ...

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Saturday, October 4at 3:00pm, Amsterdam. The fake ‘success story’ of austerity. Crisis in Greece and in the EU: winners and losers

The Dutch media, the EU officials and the Greek government cheer about a supposed success of austerity policies in Greece. They present that after 4 harsh years, the economy is going back in track and that the state is now functional to support the people. Similar stories flood occasionally the media on other austerity-hit countries such as Spain, Portugal and Ireland. In the Netherlands, similar austerity ...

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Open public debate: The Podemos phenomenon

With only a few months of existence, the new Spanish political party Podemos received more than one million votes in the last European elections. This resulted in five seats in the European Parliament. Regeneration of democracy and alternatives to the EU austerity measures are central themes in the party´s political programme which, - as well as the selection of its candidates - was organised online with th ...

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‘The spirit of civil disobedience’

The emergence of Occupy Central has recast Hong Kong’s political landscape over the last twenty-one months. Lively public debate over the polity’s governance developed in response to widespread concerns that Beijing would only commit to universal suffrage in 2017 if elections were restricted to party-approved candidates. Benny Tai Yiu-ting, who put the original call out for the campaign of civil disobedienc ...

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Leverancier van raket MH17 zetelt op de Amsterdamse Zuidas

De raket waarmee vlucht MH17 vorige week boven Oekraïne is neergehaald, is indirect afgevuurd vanaf de Amsterdamse Zuidas. De wapens zouden afkomstig zijn van de Russische wapenfabrikant Rosoboronexport dat via een web van bv's profiteert van de belastingvoordelen die Nederland biedt. Een vriend van de Russische president Poetin zit in de directie. Dat meldt 925 (nine to five), een nieuwssite die is opgezet ...

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