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Ripe for rebellion? Where protest is likeliest to break out

From anti-austerity movements to middle-class revolts, in rich countries and in poor, social unrest has been on the rise around the world. The reasons for the protests vary. Some are direct responses to economic distress (in Greece and Spain, for example). Others are revolts against dictatorship (especially in the Middle East). A number also express the aspirations of new middle classes in fast-growing emer ...

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De oorlog tegen Rishi: waarom het doorgaat na zijn dood

Op 24 november vorig jaar schoot de Haagse politie de zeventienjarige Nederlandse staatsburger Rishi Chandrikasing dood op station Holland Spoor. Toen de politie werd verteld dat een gewapende man iemand op het station had bedreigd, achtervolgden drie agenten Rishi met getrokken pistool. Even later werd hij fataal geraakt in de nek. In zijn zakken zijn alleen sleutels gevonden, en een telefoon. ...

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Mark Rutte & Jeroen Dijsselbloem: Everything they didn’t know about austerity and were afraid to ask (or admit)

For the last few years after the crisis I couldn’t get my head around the fact that so many Dutch people knew so little about Greece, and yet they felt the need to express their views in a very loud and provocative way, and pass judgment. The first few months of the crisis in Greece, Dutch tabloids like De Telegraph, came out with front page reports from Greece and published photos of Greeks enjoying their ...

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1st newsletter of Troika Watch

The last months of the year are traditionally the time when national parliaments vote on the budgets for next year. Like in the years before, in many countries deep cuts in social services and further privatizations are planned. Despite good-sounding news from and for the financial markets, austerity for ordinary people continues. This might not be by accident. ...

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Information package on the dogma of competitiveness and the competitiveness pact

Mainly driven by the German government, the EU´s political elite is planning the introduction of a so-called “competitiveness pact”. What lies behind this is a kind of eternal “Troika for all”. National governments are supposed to agree on ever more neoliberal reforms in bilateral contracts with the EU-Commission. This attack against democracy and social rights must be resisted! ...

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Fight austerity and free trade! Blockade the EU Summit!

Join citizens, farmers, NGOs and trade unions from across Belgium to fight back against the EU's destructive austerity policies and its attempt to give corporations the keys to Europe through a new EU-US free trade deal: ****BLOCKADE THE EU SUMMIT - 19 DEC 2013!**** The day of action is organised by the D19-20 Alliance (CEO is one of the supporter organisations), and is part of two days aimed at fighting th ...

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‘Spiral of Rebellion’ Sweeps Italy

Pitchfork movement organizers vow 'peaceful invasion' of Rome until ruling regime steps down. Marking the sixth day of relentless blockades, occupations and mass demonstrations that many warn may set off "a spiral of rebellion" across Europe, protesters—marching under the banner of the 'Pitchfork' movement—gathered Saturday in Rome, Turin and Venice, Italy. "Activists wearing Italian flag masks and white no ...

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Socialism in Seattle and rotten economics elsewhere

The victory of Kshama Sawant as a Socialist city councillor in Seattle ( has taken an interesting turn on the economics front.  You see, Sawant is not only a socialist, she also has a Ph D in economics and teaches it at the local city college.  This news has outraged a columnist for the Forbes magazine.  Forbes m ...

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