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Loud protest against Le Pen and Wilders

About 60 people protested against the visit of French extreme-right politician Marine Le Pen in Den Haag. She was here to talk to Geert Wilders about European cooperation. A loud cacophony was provided by drums, horns and an air raid siren. With this noise protest, the anti-fascists made it clear that they were not pleased with Le Pen’s visit and the racist ideology of the Front National and the PVV. The so ...

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The antifascist struggle will continue

On Friday 1 November in Athens two Golden Dawn members were shot in cold blood. The attacks were done in a professional manner and there is no further evidence about the attackers or the motives. Nonetheless the attack is shocking by its cruelty and the death of two young men. However, from the very first moment the government and the mainstream media try to link the attacks with the anti-fascist struggle i ...

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Greek police evacuate occupied TV station

Riot police evacuate the headquarters of former public broadcaster ERT, which had been occupied by former employees. Greek riot police stormed the building of former state television ERT and evicteddozens of protesters occupying it since June when the government abruptly shut the broadcaster, police officials said. ...

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Greek riot police evict last ERT staff

Greek police say they have removed the remaining former workers from what used to be the headquarters of the now-defunct ERT state broadcaster. The pre-dawn operation by riot police started shortly after 4am local time Thursday. Only a handful of former workers were in the building at the time, authorities said. ...

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