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Let’s get done with the system that breeds fascism – An interview with Dimitris Kousouris

Dimitris Kousouris is one of the first political victims of Golden Dawn attacks. On June 16th, 1998, in a café outside the courts of Athens, he was attacked brutally by a group of Golden Dawn members. He had to go through a difficult brain surgery and he barely escaped death. The attackers were identified by Kousouris and his friends. The main perpetrator was back then nr 2 in the leadership of Golden Dawn, ...

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Qatar’s World Cup ‘slaves’

Dozens of Nepalese migrant labourers have died in Qatar in recent weeks and thousands more are enduring appalling labour abuses, a Guardian investigation has found, raising serious questions about Qatar's preparations to host the 2022 World Cup. ...

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Thousands attend antifascist protest

Unions, parties and other groups called for mass rally against Golden Dawn. 'Pavlos lives! Crush the nazis!' was the main slogan chanted at the demonstration, which got underway on Syntagma Square at 6pm. Metro stations in central Athens are closed because of the rally. ...

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De crisis in Griekenland wordt de laatste jaren steeds als excuus door de regeringen gebruikt om grotere bezuinigingen in Nederland en de rest van Europa te realiseren. De regeringen gebruiken Griekenland of als afschrikwekkend voorbeeld (we moeten onze zaken op orde hebben anders worden we zoals Griekenland) of als noodzakelijk kwaad (de Nederlandse burger moet belastinggeld betalen voor het redden van Gri ...

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