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OPEN LETTER TO PARENTS AND STUDENTS – The National Technical University of Athens Assembly of September 6th, 2013

The professors and employees of the National Technical University of Athens have decided to stand up with our heads high, instead of remaining idle and hopeless. We will do everything in our power to deliver the TechnicalUniversity as it is today and even improved, to the next generations, as it has been delivered to us… ...

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Chile: Forty years on from US-imposed terror

September 11 is a date forever associated with mass murder of civilians — and this was the case nearly three decades before the 2001 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in New York. This year, September 11 marks the 40th anniversary of the US-organised military coup that overthrew the elected left-wing government of Salvador Allende and installed a brutal dictatorship headed by General Augusto Pinochet. ...

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Syrian war, threat of global conflict dominate G20 summit

The threat of a major war and deep US-Russian tensions over Syria have overshadowed the St. Petersburg G20 summit of leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies. The summit’s ostensible main agenda item—crises in “emerging market” economies such as India and Turkey—has been subsumed into discussion of the devastating global economic impact of a new war in the Middle East. ...

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South African gold miners strike over ‘slave wages in white man’s economy’

About 80,000 gold miners in South Africa walked out on strike on Tuesday night, raising fears of renewed violence in the crisis-hit industryand underlining the government's dwindling authority. President Jacob Zuma admitted that he could only plead with companies and unions to find a peaceful solution and avoid seriously damaging the economy, already hit by sluggish growth and a contagion of strikes in othe ...

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Say “NO!” To War in Syria – Demonstration against foreign military intervention (31/8 Den Haag)

On the early mornings of August 21st, an alleged chemical attack took place in the outskirts of Damascus. It is still largely unclear who is responsible for this act, but the parallels with the prelude to the invasion of Iraq are astounding. Without any definite proof the Mainstream Media has conveniently manipulated the emotions of millions and used this event to galvanize the public into supporting yet an ...

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The war drive against Syria

Ten years after the US government went to war in Iraq on the basis of lies about nonexistent weapons of mass destruction (WMD), a no less grotesque provocation is being concocted by Paris, London, and Washington to justify a new war of aggression against Syria. ...

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Syria’s escalating crisis

Excessive ideological zeal, immoderate sincerity and determination to fight to the finish are fuelling Syria's crisis. After several days of dilly-dallying and international pressure, the Syrian government has agreed to permita team of United Nations experts to visit rebel-held suburbs of Damascus - scene of an apparent chemical attack last week. One immediate consequence has been to overshadow all previous ...

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