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4,000 police on duty for Schaeuble visit

Police ban all 'public gatherings and rallies' in huge swath of city centre from 9am and 8pm on Thursday, including Syntagma Square, focal points of scores of anti-austerity demonstrations. The Greek police has banned public protests in central Athens on Thursday for the duration of the visit of German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, a decision the main opposition party Syriza described as "fascist and ...

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A new face for European dissent

Bulgaria's peaceful protests might provide a new model for discontented Europeans seeking to engage their governments. "Now you really angered Mommy!" – says a placard held by two little well dressed girls on the streets of the Bulgarian capital Sofia, where tens of thousands have been protesting every day since June 14. Young families with children are the face of the protests, which were sparked by the de ...

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Noresharski! Noligarchy!

EVERY day for nearly three weeks, tens of thousands of protesters have taken to the streets of Sofia, Varna, Burgas and other Bulgarian cities. In Sofia, the capital, the demonstrators meet at 6.30pm in Independence Square and then make their way past the parliament, the Eagles’ Bridge and the National Palace of Culture. They call for more transparency, less corruption, an effective fight against organised ...

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Dozens killed in Cairo after gunmen open fire on pro-Morsi protesters

At least 34 people have been killed in an attack outside the headquarters of the Republican Guard in Cairo, an Egyptian health ministry official says. Khaled el-Khatib said initial reports indicated 34 people were killed and 300 wounded in shooting outside the building in the early hours of Monday. Earlier, Egyptian military officials had said gunmen killed at least five supporters of the former president a ...

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Venezuela president offers asylum to Snowden

Nicolas Maduro offers "humanitarian asylum" to ex-US intelligence contractor who leaked surveillance programme details. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has said he had decided to offer asylum to former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden who is believed to be waiting in transit at a Moscow airport. ...

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