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Vive ERT,au nom de la liberté démocratique !

La Grèce, berceau culturel de la civilisation occidentale, pays qui inventa l’admirable notion de "démocratie", vit aujourd’hui - avec l’illégitime et brutale fermeture de sa radio-télévision publique (ERT) - une des périodes les plus sombres de son histoire moderne et contemporaine. Lettre ouverte Monsieur le Premier Ministre du Gouvernement Grec, Antonis Samaras, Les intellectuels et artistes d’Europe vou ...

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The unprecedented decision by the government to shut down ERT – the Greek Public Broadcaster has been a heavy blow for all. Both me and my colleagues, journalists and technicians, we ran immediately at the ERT Broadcasting Center. Since the beginning, every day we are recording what we see. We just edited quickly nine minutes to not erase from our memory what happened the first day. This is our way to react ...

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Amsterdam, Sunday, June 16: Demonstration of the Greek Communist Party against the shutdown of ERT

The grassroots organization of the Communist Party of Greece in the Netherlands call the immigrants and local workers in mobilization on Sunday, June 16 at 15:00 in Dam square in Amsterdam, against the unacceptable government's decision to shutdown the Greek Public Broadcasting (ERT). The shutdown will result to 2,700 job cuts and moreover it will deliver the public property, paid by the Greek people, to th ...

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Panhellenic Association of Journalist Unions – The strike for free press continues

After the reactionary speech of PM Samaras for the closure of the public broadcaster ERT that produced fierce reaction in Greece and in all over the world, today Thursday June 13th, the unions and the coordination of the media workers decided unanimously to prolong our strike in all electronic and paper media. In this strike participate journalists, administrative personnel, technical-support employees in r ...

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Anti-austerity protests: Spain, Germany, Portugal

MADRID (AP) — Anti-austerity protesters on Saturday took to the streets of dozens of European cities, including Madrid, Frankfurt and Lisbon, to express their anger at government cuts they say are making the financial crisis worse by stifling growth and increasing unemployment. Thousands marched peacefully toward Madrid's central Neptuno fountain near Parliament, chanting "Government, resign." ...

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Turkish protest takes root in Istanbul square after security forces withdraw

Demonstrators claim victory following weekend of violent clashes with police, but Erdogan warns of retaliatory measures. Turkey's prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was facing the biggest challenge to his 10-year rule this weekend as parts of Istanbul turned into a war zone. Violent clashes took place between riot police and tens of thousands of demonstrators outraged at the heavy-handed response of auth ...

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Hungry Britain: welfare cuts leave more than 500,000 people forced to use food banks

More than half a million Britons have resorted to using food banks to stave off hunger and destitution, the Government has been warned. Major charities signalled their alarm over a dramatic rise in the nation's "hidden hungry" – families who are forced to ask for help to feed themselves – because of wage cuts, the squeeze on benefits and the continuing economic downturn. The numbers have trebled in the past ...

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The Violence of Austerity in Greece – Photo exhibition

    Photos by Marios Lolos, president of the Greek Union of Photojournalists, Dimitris Michalakis, Yiannis Karabatsos, Yiannis Biliris and the archive of the newspaper Avgi, document the effects of austerity measures on the Greek society. The exhibition will also host the collection of photos #MAT1236 showing the police brutality in Greece. Citizens struck by poverty and hunger, massive protests a ...

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Solidarity Hunger strike in The Hague

On Thursday, May 16th, 10:00, a two-day solidarity hunger strike will start at the Plein in The Hague, to show our support to the hunger- and thirst strike in detention center Rotterdam. We want to draw attention to Dutch asylum policy which aims to exclude refugees from society and call for an immediate policy change. Descent asylum policy ensures that people in emergency are guaranteed safety and a future ...

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