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Eurozone unemployment hits new high

Governments across the eurozone have again been left counting the human cost of the financial crisis after news that unemployment in the currency bloc reached a record high, driven by soaring youth joblessness. Eurozone unemployment rose to 12.1% for March, an all-time high, according to Eurostat, the statistics office of the European Union. In the wider EU area of 27 countries, unemployment stood at 10.9%, ...

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May Day protests against Bangladesh factory owners

Tens of thousands of Bangladeshis joined May Day protests Wednesday to demand the execution of textile bosses over the collapse of a factory complex, as rescuers warned the final toll could be more than 500. Despite calls by the prime minister for "cool heads", tensions over the country's deadliest industrial disaster showed little sign of abating and there were fears of more violence and vandalism at texti ...

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Greece: Despair pervades camps after 33 migrant workers shot in Manolada

The victims of a recent shooting at a strawberry farm in southern Greece still fear for their livelihoods and safety, Amnesty International said after a visit to the farm. A group of 33 Bangladeshi workers at the farm in Manolada were shot on 17 April by farm supervisors when they joined other workers protesting because they had not been paid for seven months. Eight of them were seriously injured. “They hit ...

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Four Signs Neoliberalism is (Almost) Dead

Though Margaret Thatcher is no longer among the living, her ideology lives on. That ideology – known today as neoliberalism, “free market fundamentalism” in a phrase coined by George Soros – is strikingly unique. Apart from religious beliefs, is there any example of an ideology that has been so thoroughly disproven yet maintains an aura of respectability? The basic premise of neoliberalism – that “free mark ...

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Protests in Madrid Against Public Health Privatization

Sunday, April 21. A massive demonstration was staged in the main streets of the capital to protest the plans of the government of the Community of Madrid to privatize the management of six hospitals and 27 health centers. Tens of thousands of people joined this Sunday the so called White Tide, an allusion to the color of the doctors' white coat, to demand free, quality public health. Users and professionals ...

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Gouden Dageraad: hoe invloedrijk zijn ze?

18 zetels hebben ze in het Griekse parlement en met omstreden media-optredens blijven ze in de aandacht. Χρυσή Αυγή, oftewel de Gouden Dageraad-partij, is tot ver buiten de Griekse landsgrenzen niet onopgemerkt gebleven. De extreemrechtse partij, die vaak zelfs als nazistisch wordt aangeduid, werd in 1993 opgericht door Nikolaos Michaloliakos, die in de Griekse media soms wordt aangeduid als de "Führer". De ...

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I don’t feel like dancin’

Lynne Segal says those eager to dance on Thatcher’s grave have much thinking to do. ‘Margaret Thatcher is Dead: This lady is not returning!’ is one way of the calmer statements celebrating Thatcher’s demise on my Facebook page. I can’t join the clamour singing ‘Ding dong the witch is dead’, trailing as it does its horrific historical sexism. More sadly, I can’t see anything to celebrate. Whilst this once fo ...

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Ook wij steunen de strijd voor de thuiszorg!

Het uitkleden van de gezondheidszorg en in het bijzonder van de thuiszorg in Nederland, is niet nieuw in Europa. Dit gebeurt al in de zuidelijke landen met als excuus de crisis. In Griekenland was de goedkope staatsgezondheidszorg al voor 2008 zo uitgekleed dat privéklinieken, instellingen, corrupt medisch personeel en leveranciers er jarenlang flink aan verdiend hebben. Na de bezuinigingen, die door de EU ...

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Together we can prevent 100.000 lay offs in the homecare!

Last Saturday home care workers protested massively in the Hague. More than 6000 home care workers joined one of the biggest demonstration in the Netherlands. Rutte's cabinet plans to reduce the government's home care budget by 1,1 billion euros. Such a plan will lead to 100.000 lay offs in the social sector.         ...

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