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Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Future of the Egyptian Revolution

Egypt stands at a crossroads. Its future remains uncertain and the past cannot be escaped. What comes next depends on the outcome of the various conflicts that continue to define Egyptian political, economic and social life. The Muslim Brotherhood Government of Mohammed Morsi represents another stage in the continuing contestation over both the state and the meaning of the Revolution. ...

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Whose free press?

Latin American presidents have attempted to regulate by law the content of media owned and controlled by a very few private individuals, and to reduce the concentration of that ownership. The task is not an easy one. Brazil’s president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva drafted a media bill a few months before he left office, intended to regulate content and reduce the concentration of media ownership — 14 families ...

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The factory of Vio.Me (Industrial Mineral) starts production under workers’ control!

IN THE HEART OF THE CRISIS, THE WORKERS OF VIO.ME. ARE AIMING FOR THE HEART OF EXPLOITATION AND PROPERTY. With unemployment climbing to 30%, workers’ income reaching zero, sick and tired of big words, promises and more taxes, unpaid since May 2011 and currently withholding their labour, with the factory abandoned by the employers, the workers of Vio.Me. by decision of their general assembly declare their de ...

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Clashes as tens of thousands mourn Tunisia politician

Skirmishes erupted on the margins of the funeral procession in Tunis, a city paralysed by a general strike called in protest at the leftist leader's death. The interior ministry said 132 people were arrested and estimated the size of the funeral crowd at 40,000. "With our blood and our souls we will sacrifice ourselves for the martyr," shouted mourners, who also chanted slogans denouncing the ruling Ennahda ...

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Tunisia: Shokri Belaid

Shokri Belaid, a lawyer born in 1964 in the Tunisian town of Jebel Jelloud, was a staunch critic of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the country's former authoritarian ruler, who was overthrown as a result of the revolution in 2010-2011. Slain politician was a critic of President Ben Ali who, post-revolution, became a vocal opponent of ruling Islamists. ...

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Solidarity to the striking seamen

Today, the government once again called for the requisition of workers in strike. This time it was the turn of the seamen that are struggling against the abolishment of their collective employment agreement and other regulations that protect their working rights. The new legislation of the government leads to layoffs and further wage cuts. Despite the requisition the union of the seamen just decided the con ...

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Iceland's constitutional referendum: natural resources are a national heritage

With a turn-out of 48.9 per cent, the Icelandic electorate approved on October 20, 2012, by 66.3 per cent of the votes cast, the outline of the new draft constitution. This is an indication that the Icelandic Parliament, which must adopt the constitution, will have to take into account. In addition to this general question, voters had to decide on five additional questions in the debate around the project: ...

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Europe’s hard borders

Matthew Carr investigates the brutal border regimes of our ‘gated continent’ and suggests the possibility of a different politics of solidarity. In the aftermath of the cold war, the more utopian prophets of globalisation hailed the advent of a new ‘borderless’ world in which national borders would become irrelevant and obsolete. Since then governments across the world have dismantled barriers and tariffs a ...

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"Bad Pharma" – A Review

Pharmaceutical companies bend or withhold scientific data and lie about their drugs, in ways which endanger, harm or kill sick people, to make a profit. That is the shocking reality laid bare in Ben Goldacre’s new book, ‘Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients’. This is  a prime example of the way the profit motive rewarded by Capitalism stands in front of human progress. ...

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