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A money 'black hole': rich hide at least $21 trillion in tax havens

Thanks to lax international tax rules the world’s super rich have siphoned at least $21 trillion -- more than 50 percent larger than the entire U.S. economy -- into secretive tax-free havens, according to a study by UK campaign group Tax Justice Network. The report by James Henry, a former chief economist at international consultancy McKinsey & Co., shows how with the help of private banks the money has ...

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Greece migrants report 300 attacks since April

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Immigrants living in Greece have been targeted in at least 300 violent attacks in the last three months, local anti-racism campaigners said Thursday, calling for better police protection against a surge in hate crimes. Greece, which is suffering a fifth year of recession, is the European Union's busiest transit point for illegal immigration. In Athens, many immigrants live crammed in s ...

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Last Friday, around 5 a.m., Greek Riot Police broke the picket lines at the Greek Steelworks, where the workers have been on a long-term heroic strike for 9 months now, raising waves of international solidarity. The strikers present at the factory were beaten and arrested. They have been taken to the Greek Police HQ, where they are still detained, and are expected to be judged in summary proceedings for fla ...

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Massive protests in Spain against austerity cuts

MADRID (AP) — Tens of thousands of angry Spaniards protested in 80 cities throughout Spain on Thursday against the government's latest austerity package, blaming officials for "ruining" the country. Protesters flooded Madrid's main Puerta del Sol square and the streets in front of parliament late into the night. Large deployments of riot police manned barricades in front of the legislature, fearing rising t ...

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Capitalist crisis – No way out

Some think that the sole aim of the ruling class is to save the banks. That is too simple. There are contradictions between different sections of the capitalist class, and the bankers represent only one section. In Britain the weight of finance capital is very great because of the destruction of British manufacturing industry. But even in Britain the Tory-LibDem coalition has been forced to put pressure on ...

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The Spreading Crisis – From Greece to Spain

”The Greek economy is truly broken. The circuits of credit are so badly damaged that even efficient, profitable firms have been cut out of the capital markets …. Moreover, the new spending cuts… will give the forces of recession another boost. To cut a long story short, there is no doubt that such loosening up will simply prolong the agonising death of the Greek social economy.” –Yanis Varoufakis, economist ...

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Overleg sociaal plan VU loopt stuk

Het overleg tussen Abvakabo FNV, de overige werknemersorganisaties en het College van Bestuur van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) over een sociaal plan is stukgelopen. De VU wil niet tegemoetkomen aan de belangrijkste eisen van medewerkers: geen gedwongen ontslag en een salarisgarantie voor herplaatste werknemers. ...

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Zaterdag, 14 juli: Wees solidair met de ontslagen werknemers van Turkish Airlines (THY)

De werknemers van Turkish Airlines (THY) strijden al zes weken tegen de ontslagen en het stakingsverbod in de luchtvaart. Het bestuur van THY, gesteund door de AKP-regering, wil niets weten van de rechtvaardige eisen van duizenden werknemers. Sterker nog, de bazen worden steeds agressiever tegen de arbeiders die opkomen voor hun rechten. Bliksemsnel stakingsverbod De maanden durende cao-onderhandelingen tus ...

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'Spain is rising up!' Raging miners invade Madrid

Thousands of Spanish miners and their supporters flooded the streets of Madrid in a second day of mass protests, just hours after the country’s leader announced a nationwide tax hike. Workers marched up the city’s main avenue, wearing hardhats and carrying walking sticks, to protest outside the Industry Ministry. Many walked for nearly three weeks in the blazing sun before finally reaching Madrid. The crowd ...

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