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A federal Europe, by order

The true believer’s faith is strengthened by disaster. So the true believers in a federal Europe have no intention of abandoning the monetary, budgetary and commercial integration policies that have exacerbated and prolonged the economic crisis. On the contrary, they want to increase the authority of those responsible for these policies. If European summits, stability pacts and disciplinary measures haven’t ...

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Paraguay: Impeachment or political coup?

Fernando Lugo, the president of Paraguay, has vowed to fight on after being ousted in what he calls a parliamentary coup. He was removed from office on Friday in a 39-4 vote by the opposition-controlled Senate which accused him of encouraging land seizures and failing to maintain social harmony in Paraguay. Federico Franco, the vice-president of the Liberal Party, a former ally turned fierce critic of Lugo, ...

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What does austerity mean for Greek universities?

Austerity has hit Greek universities in many ways: University budgets (excluding salaries) have been slashed by more than 50%, leading to serious problems (lack of heating, lack of funding for basic needs). Funding for adjunct faculty has been reduced by almost 70% leading to hundreds of lay-offs. Several hundred elected faculty members have been waiting, in some cases even for 2 years, for their official a ...

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Movimiento De Regeneración Nacional: Yo Soy 132

Beste Mevrouw/Meneer, Allereerst willen we ons aan jullie voorstellen, De Mexicaanse Beweging voor Nationale Vernieuwing (MORENA) is een in 2007 opgerichte onafhankelijke burger organisatie. Het doel van MORENA is de Mexicaanse maatschappij bewust te maken over de oorsprong en mogelijke oplossingen van de meerdere sociale en politieke problemen in ons land. MORENA is in de laatste jaren uitgegroeid tot een ...

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Chomsky: On the History of the U.S. Economy in Decline

The Occupy movement has been an extremely exciting development. Unprecedented, in fact. There’s never been anything like it that I can think of.  If the bonds and associations it has established can be sustained through a long, dark period ahead — because victory won’t come quickly — it could prove a significant moment in American history. The fact that the Occupy movement is unprecedented is quite appropri ...

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The World Class Struggle: The Geography of Protest

When times are good, and the world-economy is expanding in terms of new surplus-value produced, the class struggle is muted. It never goes away, but as long as there is a low level of unemployment and the real incomes of the lower strata are going up, even if only in small amounts, social compromise is the order of the day. ...

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Greece is heading for hell, thanks to the EU's botched handling of the crisis

We now have a debt structure that will lead to ructions between the EU, the IMF and a Greece asked to consent to suicide. Is the eurozone crisis ending with a whimper? This view is currently gaining ground for several reasons. First, the European Central Bank has buoyed banks by supplying €1tn-worth of liquidity since last December. Second, Greek debt has been restructured, a new bailout has been agreed, an ...

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Paul Krugman: Greece as Victim

Ever since Greece hit the skids, we’ve heard a lot about what’s wrong with everything Greek. Some of the accusations are true, some are false — but all of them are beside the point. Yes, there are big failings in Greece’s economy, its politics and no doubt its society. But those failings aren’t what caused the crisis that is tearing Greece apart, and threatens to spread across Europe. No, the origins of thi ...

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23/6 Discussion Amsterdam – The aftermath of the Greek elections

The result of the elections of 17 June creates the necessity of discussing and seeking the way to continue the struggle. Although both the elections of May 6 and those of June 17 delivered the message that people cannot tolerate any more austerity, in the latter elections fear prevailed. EU-officials crossed any acceptable line, ignored the message of the previous elections and interfered in Greece’s domest ...

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Greece's biggest hospital struggles as austerity cuts bite – video

As Greece faces the most important election in a generation, its public healthcare system is on the verge of total collapse, with many hospitals forced to cancel operations. Greek documentary maker Aris Chatzistefanou, whose films Debtocracy and Catastroika have made him one of the most exciting young voices in Europe was given access to Nikaia hospital to meet the doctors struggling to keep their patients ...

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