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Dear friends and fellow fighters, we the workers of VIO.ME will have been, in a few days from today, occupying the factory for one full year. Through practices of bottom up and direct democracy, we decided to realize what this motto stands for: Factories In Workers Hands. Through the same practices, we have also decided that society should also take part in our project. That’s why we ask for your signature ...

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The Coast Guard “drowned” the migrants in Farmakonisi

Eyewitnesses accuse the Greek Coast Guard of drowning migrants off the coast of the island of Farmakonisi. As UNHCR reports: “According to survivors’ testimonies, the Coast Guard boat towing their vessel was heading, at high speed, towards the Turkish coast, when the tragic incident happened amid rough seas. The same witnesses said people were screaming for help, since there was a large number of children o ...

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Worldwide Inequality

Where and to whom one is born is, it seems, arbitrary, chance, fate or karma being the divine decision maker. Wake from innocence to middle class parents in one of the developed wealthy nations of the world, and be blessed with comfort, opportunity, good health care and education and a life of profitable possibilities. Find yourself in a slum in Nairobi, Kenya or the daughter of tea pickers in Assam, India, ...

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The euro crisis and contradictions between countries in the periphery and centre of the European Union

The crisis that started in the United States in 2007-2008, hit the European Union head on in 2008, and has been causing major problems in the eurozone since 2010. [1]| Banks from the strongest European countries are responsible for spreading this plague from the United States to Europe, because they had invested massively in structured financial products. It is important to explain why this crisis has struc ...

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Lenin’s State and Revolution Today– The Preface

It's been 97 years since Lenin first wrote what has since become a "classic" of Marxism: The State and Revolution: The Marxist Theory of the State and the Tasks of the Proletariat in the Revolution, hereafter referred to as SR. I propose to discuss the significance of this work for today (the beginning of the 21st Century) and so will not spend a lot of time discussing its relevance to the world of 97 years ...

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At last, a law to stop almost anyone from doing almost anything

Protesters, buskers, preachers, the young: all could end up with 'ipnas'. Of course, if you're rich, you have nothing to fear. Until the late 19th century much of our city space was owned by private landlords. Squares were gated, streets were controlled by turnpikes. The great unwashed, many of whom had been expelled from the countryside by acts of enclosure, were also excluded from desirable parts of town. ...

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