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Miners strike lies: thirty years of hurt‏

eleased cabinet papers confirm what we always knew - that Thatcher lied about almost every aspect of the Great Miners Strike of 1984-85. Former striking miner Joe Henry looks back in anger. Reading Paul Mason’s website about the recently released cabinet papers relating to the 1984 miners’ strike reminded me of the Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbell’s, infamous comment: “If you tell a lie big enough ...

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Countries of the South battle on

Five billion people across the world do not have proper social protection. In developing countries, more and more of them are calling for universal health coverage (UHC). That would allow the poorest peoples to cross the money divide to get treated, and encourage the modernisation of health infrastructures. Some governments in the South, such as Senegal, have already adopted UHC but that is not yet the case ...

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Richard Wolff on Capitalism and Socialism: An Interview with C. J. Polychroniou

1.  In a paper you co-authored nearly twenty years ago with Stephen Resnick for a co-edited book of mine, you highlighted the fact that here was a time when it was thought that societies can follow “one of two mutually exclusive forms. The first form, capitalism, is usually defined in terms of three key components: markets (determining prices and wages), private ownership of the means of production (includi ...

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Stop the Monsanto frankenseed factory

Monsanto's extending its power over the globe, with a massive new frankenseed factory in Argentina. Sofía Gatica and local neighbours have spoken out, and she has received death threats and a brutal beating. The threat is urgent -- let's stand with them and stop the plant. ...

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Power struggle intensifies in Turkey

The struggle between rival camps in the Turkish political elite reached a highpoint on December 25 with the resignation of three senior ministers, followed hours later by a major cabinet reshuffle by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. ...

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How do the rich live?

Sociologists research the lives and problems of the urban poor — but they haven’t so far investigated those of the super-rich, especially those wealthy property buyers who are changing the nature of life for everybody in London. ...

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The corporation invasion

A new treaty being negotiated in secret between the US and the EU has been specifically engineered to give companies what they want — the dismantling of all social, consumer and environmental protection, and compensation for any infringement of their assumed rights. ...

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Carols Protest

By the end of summer 2013, the Troika has shut down a total of 1038 primary and secondary education schools in Greece. During last summer, it has also dissolved technical / vocational education by erasing 46 positions for specialized teachers, paving the way to private education and showing the way out to the students who can't afford it. Because of this, 2500 technical school teachers's status became "on l ...

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