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Discussion event on nationalism

In the last years, nationalism in many European countries is on the rise, differently manifested in each of them. In Greece, a supposed threat from neighbouring countries has replaced to a great extent the concern about the real economic disaster caused in the last decade by the Greek and foreign elites. In many countries, including the Netherlands, refugees and immigrants especially from the Middle East ar ...

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Housing: Right or Commodity

ReInform is organising an event about housing that will take place on Saturday 24th of March, at 15:00, at LAB111 (Arie Biemondstraat 111, Amsterdam). You are invited to join our discussion about housing which is not considered a basic human right any more but rather a commodity very difficult to obtain. We will also talk about how our cities and neighbourhoods are now shaped to serve the market trends and ...

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‘Macedonian issue’: What is really at stake?

After two decades, the issue of the name of Macedonia is back at the center of public attention. This topic is now being discussed between the governments of Greece and Macedonia or F.Y.R.O.M. (‘Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’ which is the temporary internationally agreed name) at Davos under the supervision of the United Nations and the great powers. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, the newly consti ...

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44 years since the Athens Polytechnic Uprising against the Military Junta

From the start in 1967, the junta, trying to control every aspect of politics, had interfered with student syndicalism, banning student elections in universities, forcefully drafting leftist students and enforcing non-elected student syndicate leaders in the national student’s syndicate, EFEE. These actions eventually created a fierce anti-junta sentiment among students that was first manifested by the suic ...

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The Road to the Greek Hell is Paved with False EU and IMF Statistics

A new blatant intervention of the European Commission was triggered by the decision of the third Court of Appeal of Athens on August 1st, on the hearing of the former President of ELSTAT (Hellenic Statistical Authority), Andreas Georgiou, for repeated breach of duty. By Leonidas Vatikiotis   The provocative intervention of the European Commission (indication of their great discomfort over the decision ...

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Nieuwe bezuinigingen brengen niets goeds voor Griekenland en Europa

Uit het recente enquêteonderzoek ‘Generation What’ blijkt tweederde van de Grieken tussen de 18 en de 34 jaar bereid te zijn om deel te nemen aan een grote opstand tegen de regering. Door Dimitris Pavlopoulos - Arbeidssocioloog VU   Landelijke staking tegen de nieuwe bezuinigingen - Athene , 17 mei 2017 Het Griekse drama gaat onvermijdelijk door. De Griekse regering heeft met de Trojka een nieuwe bezui ...

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Solidarity with Anne Fleur Dekker!

This is a story about far-right in the Netherlands and how it is trying to intimidate everyone who fights against it.   After the Dutch elections many commentators and citizens were pleased with the fact that Geert Wilders has failed to come first. Nevertheless the reality shows that despite this supposed fail, the ideas and practices of the far-right become more and more acceptable in Dutch politics a ...

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Greek history X: is a left government possible in the EU?

ReINFORM invites you to a discussion with the title: Greek history X: is a left government possible in the EU?  The event will take place on Saturday 11 February at 12:00 at the LAB111, Arie Biemondstraat 111, Amsterdam (see poster below).  Two years have gone by since the so-called "left-wing" Syriza-Anelgovernment in Greece came to power on 27 January 2015. What are the promises and hopes it broke? What a ...

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Two years of SYRIZA-ANEL’s rule in Greece: two years of the hardest austerity

(scroll naar beneden voor Nederlands) Debt increased, public assets sold. The Greek and European elites make profits. In January 2017 the coalition government of SYRIZA and ANEL will be two years in power. During this time, in the Dutch media there has been an almost total silence about Greece, interrupted only by short references to the ongoing negotiations for the disbursement of the loan tranches. Silenc ...

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VIO.ME.’s auctions must be cancelled, self-managed production should spread!

Around 50 people attended ReINFORM's info event that took place yesterday in Nieuwland (East Amsterdam) in solidarity with the self-managed factory Vio.Me. (Thessaloniki, Greece). In July 2011, a few months after being abandoned by its owners, Vio.Me. was occupied by its workers. Since February 2013, Vio.Me., managed by the general assembly of its workers, has been producing organic soaps and cleaning produ ...

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