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European Union is killing refugees

A real crime is being committed over the past months in Europe. Thousands of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and other countries are trying to flee wars that others have caused in their countries and reach Europe in search of a better life. Hundreds of them have been washed up dead on the Greek islands. Although the European governments talk about a “humanitarian crisis” and pretend they take relief measur ...

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International Appeal of the Students of Rethymno on Crete (Greece) to the Students of the World

We, the students of Rethymno city on the island of Crete, have just entered the third week of our fight for free education, lower transportation costs and free food-coupons. This letter is an open appeal to the students of the world to inform them about our fight and to express our solidarity with the struggle of the students in South Africa. In the context of the capitalist crisis in Greece, the government ...

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On the incidents of the anti-fascist rally on October 10th in Utrecht

On Saturday 10 October the far-right movement of Pegida held a rally in Utrecht. Many organizations and groups of the Dutch and international Left and Anarchy decided to demonstrate in order to prevent the fascist poison from spreading. The demonstration was first held at Janskerkhof, then the most determined demonstrators attempted to stop the rally of the fascists. A considerable number of anti-fascists j ...

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Rupture with the EU: Α return to the “cave age” or a new “golden age”?

(The article was initially published in the Greek newspaper "Prin" on 30th May 2015 and it was translated into English by ReINFORM.) When the mild arguments about the “people’s house” and the EU’s ability to transform fall apart, the neoliberal/Memoranda bloc resorts to the only argument left: breaking with the EU equals to returning to the “cave age”. By Leonidas Vatikiotis It is worthwhile to attempt an o ...

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Third memorandum, worse than the previous ones!

By Leonidas Vatikiotis Leonidas Vatikiotis has studied Statistics at the University of Piraeus. His doctoral dissertation, at the Sociology Department of Panteion University (2008) considered the causes of the 1970s economic crisis. It is not only the new austerity measures, which among others include VAT increase, reduction of pensions, reintroduction of the zero deficit clause, Sunday shop opening and imp ...

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A challenge for the Left and the movement in whole Europe

On July 5th the Greek people raised proudly their voice against the powerful alliance of the domestic and foreign economic elites along with their allies: the EU, the ECB, the IMF and the Greek and foreign media that were threatening the people with a disaster in case of a NO vote. This was the second case within 6 months, the first being the election of a left government on January 25th that the Greek peop ...

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Dijsselbloem, resign from Eurogroup presidency!

Dijsselbloem, treed af als voorzitter van de Eurogroep! Door Dimitris Pavlopoulos, Arbeidssocioloog VU (scroll down for English) Hoe Dijsselbloem de Griekse economie ondermijnt Op 5 juli, de dag van het referendum in Griekenland, heeft de voorzitter van de Eurogroep en PvdA prominent, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, een brief gestuurd aan de leden van zijn partij. Naar mijn mening bevat de brief van dhr. Dijsselbloem ...

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NO to austerity! YES to democracy!

NO to austerity! YES to democracy! (scroll down for Greek) On July 5th, people in Greece are called to decide whether to agree or not with the inhuman austerity policies imposed by the Troika. Violating any written and unwritten rule of democracy, EU leaders such as Merkel, Juncker and Dijsselbloem blackmail the Greek people that by voting ΝΟ, they will face an unprecedented disaster. With this letter, we c ...

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On the 5th of July the Greek citizens are invited to participate in a referendum in order to decide whether they accept Troika's proposal of new devastating cuts in return for a new debt funding package. In particular, the Troika demands a dramatic cut in pensions, an increase in indirect taxes and the total liberalization of the labour market. It is no surprise that since the announcement of the referendum ...

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Preliminary Report of the Truth Committee on Public Debt of Greece

18 June by Truth Committee on the Greek Public Debt The Truth Committee on Public Debt (Debt Truth Committee) was established on April 4, 2015, by a decision of the President of the Hellenic Parliament, Ms Zoe Konstantopoulou, who confided the Scientific Coordination of its work to Dr. Eric Toussaint and the cooperation of the Committee with the European Parliament and other Parliaments and international or ...

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