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Mediterranean deathtoll: Accidents or EU policy?

With the death toll of African and Asians on their way to Europe rising by the thousands, the European Union has showed once again that it is ready to pay the price of lives lost at sea to maintain the myth of sovereignty over its borders. With ever growing securitization and militarization of its immigrations policies, the European Union is closing the gates to the unwanted outsiders and covers the Mediter ...

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Golden Dawn Watch to shine a spotlight on upcoming trial

Greek anti-racism groups announced on Thursday an initiative to provide daily coverage and analysis of the upcoming trial of Greek far right party, Golden Dawn. Their reports are also expected to be translated into English. As reported by ABC, Eleftheria Koumandou, a journalist and coordinator of the Greek observatory against racist speech in the media, commented that  "This is one of the most important tri ...

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Solidarity with the workers of VIOME in front of the imminent threat of liquidation of the company

The workers of VIOME in Thessaloniki, Greece, have stood up against unemployment and poverty by carrying through a long struggle to self-manage the occupied factory in very adverse conditions. For two years now, they have been producing and selling ecological cleaning products at the occupied premises, ensuring a modest income for their families. They have been working on terms of equality, taking decisions ...

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Maagdenhuis Occupation: Their struggle is our struggle

We call upon the Greek people to support the struggle of the students in the Maagdenhuis against the neoliberalisation of the university and society. Support their struggle for a free and democratic university and a free and democratic society! Pllease, send this solidarity declaration to any Greek union, student group/union/council, political organization and collective you can be in touch with and ask the ...

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Dam Square Demonstration 15/02

On Sunday 15th of February, hundreds of people gathered at Dam Square, Amsterdam to demonstrate against the neoliberal austerity policies of the EU, to express their solidarity and make their voice heard.     We the people of Dam Square, we demand - the write off of the debt - the end of the austerity policies in Greece and in the Netherlands. We fight - so that we don’t allow the banks to lead ou ...

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Demonstration on15th February at 14.00, Dam Square in Amsterdam

SOLIDARITY WITH THE GREEK PEOPLE! NO TO THE BLACKMAIL OF THE EU! ΤHE CRISIS WILL NOT BE PAID BY THE EUROPEAN CITIZENS! Scroll down for Dutch and Greek. On Sunday February 15th there will be demonstrations all over Greece and Europe since on that day crucial negotiations between the Greek government and the Eurogroup will take place. These demonstrations will send the message to the European leaders that the ...

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Germany Digs in Heels on Austerity as Greece Demands End to ‘Business As Usual’

As a leaked document on Wednesday suggested the German government is determined to take a hard stance against the new Syriza government, Greece's newly appointed financial minister Yanis Varoufakis declared "business as usual" is no longer an option when it comes to his nation's relationship with European creditors. Representing the new anti-austerity Syriza government, Varoufakis said he is optimistic that ...

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Thousands Organize First Pro-Govt Rally in Athens

The election of a left government in Greece breathed new life into the people and the Athenian movement rose from its ashes. Thousands answered to a facebook call-out and gathered on Thursday in front of the Parliament to back up the government in the negotiations with Germany and the European Central Bank. Athens now brings forward new dilemmas: Are movements by definition opposition movements, the existen ...

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Job substitution

Doorbraak has published a lot of articles on the issue of forced labour for benefit claimants. The emphasis has mainly been on the regime they have to work under. But equally important is the substitution of regular paid work that is the consequence of forced labour. This substitution undermines the entire system of paid labour: why should an employer pay for workers when it is becoming easier all the time ...

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Nikos Romanos brought the government to its knees!

After 31 days of hunger strike for his right to education, anarchist prisoner N. Romanos won. He and all the people who showed their solidarity during the last month and especially during the climactic last days with a lot of demonstrations in Athens and all over Greece forced the government to surrender and step back from their relentless attack against anyone who stands up against them for their rights. A ...

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