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Dutch intelligence agency AIVD hacks internet fora

The Dutch intelligence service - AIVD - hacks internet web fora to collect the data of all users. The majority of these people are unknown to the intelligence services and are not specified as targets when the hacking and data-collection process starts. A secret document of former NSA-contractor Edward Snowden shows that the AIVD use a technology called Computer Network Exploitation – CNE – to hack the web ...

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‘From the Bottom of Aegean Sea’[1] to Golden Dawn

In modern Greece we often deal with little or large semiological civil wars or with a semiological poly-phrenia since different institutions employ the same language for very different processes. For example ancient Greek words referring to hospitality may either refer to e.g. touristic industry’s slogans (i.e. philoxenia, xenia hotels etc.) or to refer to the most brutal and xenophobic police operation tha ...

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Anti-Gold mining info evening: An attempt to build a strategy platform

On Sunday 8th of December ReINFORM invites you to an info evening about anti-gold mining struggles. Following our last action on November 9th for Skouries international day, we are extending our scope to build a network on mutual struggles taking place all over the world. El Dorado Gold Co. is involved in mining activities in Greece, Romania, Turkey, China, Brazil and Canada among others. [divide style="2"] ...

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State, Violence, Infrastructures and Public Spaces in the European periphery

Worried by the current crisis affecting the Eurozone and many other parts of the world, we also sometimes feel disempowered by our lack of deeper understanding of the mechanisms that have triggered such devastating developments. Some time back, Allegra started to explore the financial world (here),  the current transformations of Universities (here and here) as well as the power and failures of bureaucracie ...

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Systematic human rights violations against refugees in the Aegean sea and at the Greek-Turkish land border.

Source Link from ProAsyl The present report focuses on the barriers to accessing the territory of the European Union for people seeking international protection, and particularly on the prevailing situation at the EU land and sea borders in Greece. It describes and analyzes the fatal consequences of the closing of the land border in the Evros region, which has led to a shift in flight routes to the Aegean s ...

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Tasos Theofilou : His case and the upcoming trial

On August 2012 an armed robbery took place in Paros, an island of Greece, during which, a 53year old taxi driver, who tried to prevent the robbery, was mortally wounded. The plot For an unknown reason, counter-terrorism services took over the case of the robbery. Few days later, Tasos Theofilou, an anarcho-communist, got arrested. Counter-terrorism services claim that they were led to Tasos Theofilou, after ...

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Few words about the political prisoners from Turkey

This post is about Ahmet Yüksel, Erdğan Çakır, Hasan Biber and Mehmet Yayla, who have been in hunger strike since 24/9. Ahmet Yüksel and Erdğan Çakır are facing the danger of extradition in Germany and France respectively and Hasan Biber and Mehmet Yayla in Turkey. All of them have asked for a political asylum. For Ahmet Yüksel and Erdğan Çakır arrest warrants are issued for pending decisions regarding thei ...

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Financial Secrecy Index – 2013 Results: Germany, US and UK are the biggest tax heavens in the world.

Germany, US and UK among the biggest tax heavens in the world. UK: New index reveals UK runs biggest part of global secrecy network This new edition of the Financial Secrecy Index shows that the United Kingdom is the most important global player in the financial secrecy world. While the UK itself ranks only in 21st place, it supports and partly controls a web of secrecy jurisdictions around the world, from ...

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Analysis: What lurks beneath the closure of ERT

The real reasons behind the ERT shutdown, the 300 million the state lost, and who benefits from it. By Apostolis Fotiadis The eviction of the remaining staff from former public television’s (ERT) building last night in Athens was a bitter showdown of an unequal brinkmanship. The picture of handcuffs used as a padlock at building’s gate has already become one of historical value. It is a picture from the fut ...

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Camus, Albert and the anarchists

Organise! magazine looks at the life and work of the great thinker and writer, Albert Camus, and his close relationship with the French and Spanish anarchist movements.   Born in French Algeria into a poor family in 1913, Camus lost his father in the Battle of the Marne in 1916. He was raised by his mother, who worked as a charlady and was illiterate. Winning a scholarship, Camus eventually began a car ...

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