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Mass protests in Portugal over austerity cuts

Many thousands of demonstrators have held marches in more than 20 cities in Portugal to protest against government-imposed austerity measures aimed at lifting the ailing country out of recession. Tens of thousands of people filled a Lisbon boulevard during Saturday's protests and headed to the finance ministry carrying placards saying "Screw the troika, we want our lives back". The troika is a reference to ...

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UK’s bedroom tax

'Bedroom tax' will force people out of their homes   Tory ‘under-occupancy’ rules will force people to move when no affordable alternative is available, writes Dave Sewell The government’s attack on benefits could see thousands of people lose their homes. One attack in particular, popularly known as the “bedroom tax”, is set to push almost 100,000 social housing tenants into arrears on their rent from ...

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Strijden om te winnen

Europese Meeting op 9 Maart Event facebook De crisis en de schoktherapie die men ons oplegt zorgt voor grote protestbewegingen in Europa. Sommige landen zoals in het zuiden van Europa, zitten zelf de rand van de sociale explosie. In andere landen is de strijd pas begonnen. Kom luisteren en discussiëren met militanten die met hun beide voeten in deze bewegingen staan. Zij zorgen voor een overzicht van de wee ...

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Mayor to Canadian ambassador: ‘Leave us alone’

Alexandropoulis does not want goldmine, Ambassador Robert Peck told Photo: Perama locals protest against the Eldorado mine at Perama, November 2012 (AMNA) The mayor of a area in the northern region of Thrace where a Canadian company is planning a controversial goldmine project has told the Canadian ambassador to Greece that his people want to be left in peace. "We want to be left alone to develop our fisher ...

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Greek Doctors in despair

Local committee of the Association of Hospital Doctors of Athens and Piraeus General Hospital of Nikaia-Pireus 27-3-2013 The doctors of the hospital have demanded their names to be removed from the schedule of the on-call duties of March as they are unpaid for 5 consecutive months. According to the decision of a massive general assembly, the doctors of the General Hospital of Nikaia-Piraeus “A. Panteleimon” ...

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Ex-Mayor in Greece Gets Life in Prison for Embezzlement

ATHENS — The former mayor of Greece’s second city, Salonika, and two of his top aides were sentenced to life in prison on Wednesday after being found guilty of embezzling almost 18 million euros, or $23.5 million, in public money — a rare conviction in a case involving the political corruption that has contributed to the country’s dysfunction and economic decline.   A court in Salonika, a northern port ...

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Far right Golden Dawn launches child indoctrination courses

Courses of “national awakening” in children aged 6 to 10 years, in the presence of their parents, are being run by the far-right party of the Golden Dawn in Greece. According to an official party announcement, on Saturday, Feb. 23, at the offices of the Golden Dawn in Artemis Attica the first “Conformation of Children” was held. About 20 children with their parents attended the meeting. The children watched ...

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If You Thought The European Crisis Was Over…

Via Mint Partners' Bill Blain, Today’s big event was Italy's 10% auction. Buyers can’t ignore yield, and I suspect many were “encouraged” to participate. But a decent Italy auction doesn't change the brutal facts. Electoral fall-out blankets the Euro battlefield, but it was decisions made years ago that have brought us to this blasted heath. Markets are caught in... Stalemate. On one side you have the disbe ...

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Liverpool TUC supports the fight of people in Greece

"Liverpool TUC condemns the use by the Greek Government of authoritarian, undemocratic methods of conscription/civil mobilisation against striking workers in the transport sector (metro and ferries) in an escalation of the attack against the fighting people in Greece. Liverpool TUC notes: The continuing attack by the Greek government, urged on by the Troika (IMF, European Bank European Commission), against ...

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Greeks Ask Themselves: Who’s A Greek?

Stephanos Mwange, a Greek-born citizen of Ugandan descent, says his love for Greek history and mythology have inspired him to act ancient Greek tragedies such as Hecuba. He's a well-known actor, though his positive experience as a naturalized Greek citizen is exceptional. Most from a similar background say they've been made to feel like foreigners. When it comes to immigration, Greece faces a dilemma: The c ...

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