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Golden Dawn shootings: What we know so far

Read everything that has happened since Friday΄s murderous attack. FOSPHOTOS / Panayiotis Tzamaros The incident Around 7 p.m. on Friday November 1, two persons riding a motorcycle pulled off on Irakleiou Boulevard, outside a local office of the Golden Dawn party, in Neo Irakleio, northern Athens. They were wearing helmets, according to witnesses. The person who was not driving, approached the entrance to th ...

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Gold is our land, gold is our water, gold is the mountain and our beautiful village

International Action Day Against Gold Mines in Halkidiki  9 / 11 / 2013 Halkidiki is a peninsula of Northern Greece, with a very diverse, biologically important natural landscape, combining mountainous primordial forests with beautiful coastline. Part of it belongs to NATURA 2000 network and is protected by international conventions. Halkidiki’s landscape is also of historically and culturally precious as i ...

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Empros Theatre Raided by Greek Police

The vandalism of the Greek authorities continues with the eviction of the Empros Theatre yesterday.  The infrastructure of solidarity is being systematically removed, from the squats and the … and now to the social health centres and cultural establishment   People in Greece are urgently trying to fill in the gaps in the best way that they can, to keep themselves occupied and share skills to survive in the ...

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Anne Frank’s Amsterdam: Nazi Occupation Of The Dutch Capital Contrasted With Images Of The Modern City

These incredible 'then-and-now' images show Anne Frank's Amsterdam contrasted with shots of the city from today. The pictures, which are part of an app called Anne Frank’s Amsterdam, show the Dutch capital under the occupation of the Nazis, with modern views set against dramatic black and white images of tanks, soldiers and refugees. Anne, who lived in hiding between 1942 and 1944, was eventually discovered ...

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International Action Day Against Gold Mines in Halkidiki

9th November 2013 International Action Day Against Gold Mines in Halkidiki   What is at Stake Halkidiki, the birthplace of the ancient philosopher Aristotle, is a place of such great natural beauty that, every year, it is flooded by tourists from all over the world. In the western part of Halkidiki lies the primeval forest of Skouries. A few years ago the multinational gold mining company Eldorado Gold ...

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The real agenda behind cutting red tape

By Magda Stoczkiewicz BRUSSELS - One of the worrying issues that emerged from last week’s European Council in Brussels is the ‘cut red tape’ initiative promoted by UK Prime Minister David Cameron. The proposal, which was welcomed by other EU leaders, is cause for alarm and threatens the protection of European citizens and the environment. The initiative is based on a report prepared by a UK Business Task Fo ...

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Pro zwarte piet manifestatie orgie van racisme

AFA Nederland Afgelopen zaterdag (26-10-2013) manifesteerden zo’n 500 mensen voor het behoud van zwarte piet binnen het sinterklaasfeest. Onder de manifestanten bevonden zich zo’n 30 neo-nazi’s, mensen van de PVV en kwam het tot een flinke racistische uitspatting tegen een gekleurde vrouw. “Oprotten zwarte, terug naar je eigen land!” werd er geschreeuwd. Een gekleurde vrouw met een vlag van West Papua was o ...

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Words will always hurt

When asked what Winston Churchill did to help win the Second World War, Labour Party leader Clement Attlee, replied: "He talked about it." The potential words have to inspire people and drive events should not be underestimated but their ability to do harm should not be taken too lightly either. The words we choose can just as easily cultivate division as they can create unity. It is truly regrettable that ...

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Roma: myth, suspicion and prejudice

By Peter Stanford As Roma families are accused of abducting children in Greece and Ireland, we should beware of persecuting an ancient people A Roma girl at a migrants’ encampment near Paris. The Third Reich regarded Roma as racially impure; an estimated one million died in concentration camps Photo: Reuters It is a measure of the sensitivity of a topic that any nomenclature you use risks causing offence. S ...

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Solidarity message from Rosia Montana related to criminal charges against people from Halkidiki

To: Hellenic Mining Watch Ref: Solidarity message related to criminal charges against people from Halkidiki and Hellenic Mining Watch 16 October 2013 Dear colleagues at Hellenic Mining Watch, We’ve learned, with great concern, about the 29 residents of Halkidiki charged with “participating in a criminal organization”. The Greek state says that the purpose of this alleged criminal organization is that “throu ...

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