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Olympic brands caught up in abuse scandal

Gethin Chamberlain,   Workers in a factory supplying sportswear to the west. Photograph: Institute For Global Labour And Human Rights for the Observer While Adidas, Nike and Puma make millions out of the Games, their employees are claiming exploitation Workers producing sportswear for Olympic sponsors Adidas, Nike and Puma are beaten, verbally abused, underpaid and overworked in Banglade ...

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Greek farmers undercut large retailers in potato revolt

From kiosnet     Greek farmers have taken to selling their produce directly to consumers in a move to push down prices and cut out retailers they accuse of profiteering. In a climate of harsh austerity, soaring unemployment and diminishing income, thousands of Greeks are flocking to makeshift markets where farmers are reportedly selling their produce at less than half supermarket prices. The actio ...

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Civil disobedience and workers unrest are growing in Greece

Siemens in collaboration with the police and an attorney general attempts to break the strike of shipyard workers in Elefsina   Since last Wednesday the workers of the shipyards of Elefsina, outside Athens, are on strike demanding from the companies to sign an agreement that are not going to decrease any wages. All companies signed the agreement with the exception of Siemens and DECO. Yesterday people ...

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Homeless arrested, as dictated by Mayor G. Kaminis

* by Yiannis Kaplanis On 1st February homeless people together with solidarity activists occupied an empty unused building belonging to the Athens Local Authority in order to use it as a shelter for homeless people. This was one of the coldest days in Athens with freezing temperatures. The Mayor of Athens, Giorgos Kaminis, called the police that arrested eleven homeless and fo ...

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Ten Years of Guantánamo: Andy Worthington Visits the US to Campaign for the Closure of the Prison, January 5-15, 2012

January 11, 2012 is a profoundly depressing anniversary — marking ten years since the Bush administration established its “war on terror” prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and decided that those who ended up in US custody would not be screened to ascertain whether or not they were combatants, and would be sent to Guantánamo to be held without rights. To mark this bleak occasion, Andy Worthington, investigativ ...

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Greece: The history behind the collapse

Georges Prévélakis Historically positioning themselves between an unruly, oriental population and the western powers, since 1981 Greek elites have siphoned off EU funds into a bloated public sector favouring corruption, patronage and social climbing. The threat posed to Europe by the breakdown is less contagion to the centre than a wave of anti-western feeling that could exacerbate geopolitical instabilitie ...

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Lessons from the GoDaddy Customer Revolt

GoDaddy (a web hosting company) announced its support of the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in late October 2011. The news of GoDaddy's pro-SOPA stance appeared on Reddit on December 22, 2011, and then went viral. Within a few days, customers had moved over 72,000 domains off of GoDaddy's domain hosting service in protest and declared December 29, 2011 "Move Your Domain Away From GoDaddy Day." ...

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Greek Police set up protesters.. Again and again

A recent video which has been circulating the internet claims to be from a 48 hour strike which occurred in June and clearly shows police loading molotovs into a knapsack which belongs to a protester who has been arrested.  Once again the integrity (if they have any left) of the Greek police has been called into question.  This is not an isolated incident as far back as 2003 there are videos in which the Gr ...

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The Netherlands help large Greek companies to evade taxes in their homeland.

In October, the leader of PVV, Geert Wilders, heavily criticized the moral of Greeks with respect to paying taxes. He pointed  to the huge deposits of rich Greeks in Switzerland. What Wilders failed to report is that the Netherlands is helping the Greeks with tax evasion. From a research that De Pers carried out, it seems that many Greek companies use the Netherlands as a way to avoid the tax authorities. I ...

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Beyond debt speculation and austerity

Three South European Economists living in The Netherlands write about the consequences of austerity and debt speculation in their countries. João Romão (Portugal), Sol Trumbo (Spain), Dimitris Pavlopoulos (Greece) We are witnessing an apparently endless crisis. What started three years ago in the subprime mortgage market in the US has now spread to such an extent that the unity of Europe as a political and ...

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