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Is this the Greek Poll Tax?

Anger mounting in Greece as government attempts taxation through electricity bills For the past months, weeks, days, two questions have been in more and more peoples’ mouths, both with some increasing urgency: When will the Greek economy officially go bust, and what happens then? And, when will the excruciating austerity measures break the bone of social consensus – when will people have enough? It seems li ...

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Tegenlicht: Metamorfose van een crisis

By VPRO Kort na aanvang van de financiële crisis van 2008 verzamelt de socioloog Manuel Castells op verzoek van de vermogende Gulbenkian Foundation in Lissabon een kleine groep van internationale topintellectuelen om zich heen om dieper over de crisis na te denken. Terwijl de crisis zich ontpopt en steeds nieuwe vormen aanneemt, doopt Castells zijn groep The Aftermath Network, een verwijzing naar de nieuwe ...

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Greece must default and quit the euro. The real debate is how

A Greek default and exit must be taken in the people's interests – not entrusting the process to the EU, IMF and banks. Costas Lapavitsas for Greece is facing an economic and social disaster, the result of its so-called rescue by the "troika" of the EU, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank. Greece must change course to avoid a grim future for its people: it must defau ...

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Schuldet Deutschland den Griechen 70 Milliarden?

In Griechenland heißt es, man habe Deutschlands Hilfe mehr als verdient. Immerhin seien aus dem Weltkrieg noch Rechnungen offen. "Welt Online" hat nachgerechnet. Autor: Sven Felix Kellerhoff on Here you can read it in English by NYT. In der aktuellen Debatte um eine mögliche Staatsinsolvenz melden sich in Griechenland immer mehr Stimmen zu Wort, denen zufolge Deutschland noch enorme Schulden aus ...

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Greek school books contain a harsh economic lesson

As Greece's children are forced to make do with photocopies instead of books, the true cost of this debt crisis is clear Aris Chatzistefanou and Katerina Kitidi for Last week marked the beginning of the school year in Greece. Children's faces were full of smiles but their schoolbags were empty, since the state didn't manage to distribute the school books. Instead, the government resorted to l ...

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The Dutch Ask Their Central Bank: "Where Is Our Gold?"

Think Ron Paul is the only person asking questions about the actual gold supposedly backing the currency in circulation. Think again: the "ask your central banker where his gold is" tour just went global after the Dutch the Dutch Socialists Party (SP)’s spokesman for financial affairs, Mr. Ewout Irrgang, asked the Dutch Secretary of the Treasury 10 detailed questions about the gold supposedly held by the Du ...

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At least 45 university departments occupied by their students in Greece.

via At least 45 departments across the country are now under student occupation – General Assemblies are happening all of this and next week and it is very likely that the number will increase dramatically. There seems to be a completely unprecedented agreement between students across almost the entire political spectrum for mobilisations against the voted law: this is rapidly becomin ...

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Greek Watergate Scandal- US Embassy behind phone-tapping of Karamanlis

According to a Greek prosecutor, the US embassy in Athens was apparently behind the wiretapping of former prime minister Costas Karamanlis as well as other officials in the period 2004 – 2005. In today’s edition of “Kathimerini on Sunday” it was revealed that four of a total of fourteen mobile phones used by the former prime minister and his associates, were purchased in the name of the US embassy. Apart fr ...

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"Eurostat estimates that 20 percent of Greek population lives under poverty levels, the highest rate in the Eurozone"

by wikileaks. All of these factors have contributed to a general feeling that the carefree days of generous salaries and easy borrowing have passed, and that the future looks dim and uncertain. Already Eurostat estimates that 20 percent of the Greek population lives under poverty levels, the highest rate in the Eurozone together with Spain. A European eurobarometer report publicized in early February reveal ...

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Onderpand voor lening: Goud? Geld? Of toch een zonnig eiland?

We found it on and you cand find the translation in Greek here. Een onderpand in ruil voor nieuwe leningen aan Griekenland is en blijft een harde eis voor de Finse regering. Maar wat dat onderpand precies moet zijn, daarover valt te praten. Geld, grond, staatsbedrijven en goud zijn de opties. Ze hebben allemaal voor- en nadelen. Geld. Die optie heeft de Finland met de Griekse regering afgesprok ...

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