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Screening of the documentary ” Into the Fire” in Amsterdam.

ReINFORM invites you to the screening of the documentary " Into the Fire" at 8th of May in Cavia filmhuis in Amsterdam. In times of severe austerity things look bleak for Greek people, but they’re far worse for those who have recently arrived. Without housing, legal papers or support, migrants in Greece are faced with increasing and often violent racism at the hands of the growing Nazi party Golden Dawn and ...

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Ditch the King. Hire an Actor.

ON April 30, 1980, Queen Juliana of the Netherlands was succeeded by her daughter Beatrix. That day was marked by violent rioting in Amsterdam. Under the motto “Geen woning, geen kroning” (No roof over our heads, no crown on yours), squatters and anarchists railed against the new queen’s coronation and the country’s housing crisis. I was 9, and I sat with my mother watching it all on TV. The smoke bombs and ...

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When Your Boss Steals Your Wages: The Invisible Epidemic That’s Sweeping America

Wage theft is fast becoming a top trend of the 21st-century labor market. April 25, 2013  | Editor's note: This article is part of an ongoing AlterNet series, "The Age of Fraud." Imagine you’ve just landed a job with a big-time retailer. Your task is to load and unload boxes from trucks and containers. It’s back-breaking work. You toil 12 to 16 hours a day, often without a lunch break. Sweat drenches your c ...

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Generation jobless

Around the world almost 300m 15- to 24-year-olds are not working. What has caused this epidemic of joblessness? And what can abate it?   HELDER PEREIRA is a young man with no work and few prospects: a 21-year-old who failed to graduate from high school and lost his job on a building site four months ago. With his savings about to run out, he has come to his local employment centre in the Paris suburb o ...

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Greece’s Unsettled WWII German Reparations: A Stain in the International Legal System

Frustrated with the persistent refusal of Germany to settle the decades long pending WWII German reparation obligations, ordinary Greek citizens have organized a petition and are collecting signatures to demand the long delayed settlement. The ongoing petition at is receiving support and solidarity from people around the world (over 188,000 signatures by now), which proves the cla ...

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The New Democracy “Truth Team” made its appearance before the national elections of 2012. Its official mission is stated as “political analysis”. In reality, it is devoted to political propaganda on behalf of New Democracy, the main party in Greece’s government coalition, aiming at the defamation of the party’s rivals, systematically distorting facts and fabricating so-called “evidence”. Based at New Democr ...

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“15″ – Antifascism, Repression, Torture.

This documentary is the first work by the AudioVisual Collective "Alpha". You can download and share the video from Vimeo with English subtitles by ReINFORM Link "15" - Antifascism, Repression, Torture. from Reinform NL on Vimeo. This  is a short video documenting the events on 30th  of September and has testimonies from the tortured antifascists. This is a little overview of the event posted on Guardian : ...

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Mexican Teachers Riot Over Education Reforms

The protesters in Mexico's Guerrero state attacked the offices of four political parties and a building of the state's education department after legislators approved controversial education reforms. Thousands of teachers have rioted in southern Mexico in protest at education reforms, setting alight the ruling party's local headquarters. Plumes of black smoke billowed from the offices of the Institutional R ...

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Switzerland to restrict immigration despite EU anger

A woman walks past a far-right UDC-VPC party poster reading "Enough !, Stop massive immigration" in Lausanne (AFP Photo)     Switzerland will restrict immigration from European countries in an effort to limit the flow of migrants to the wealthy country, which is not a European Union member. The decision has prompted harsh criticism from the EU's foreign policy chief. The placing of restrictions on ...

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Six arrested for taking down the Greek flag

Police detained a total of 69 anti-establishment demonstrators who were protesting the shutdown of Indymedia   Anti-establishment demonstrators take down the Greek flag from the roof of the Athens University in protest against the shutdown of Indymedia. The government spokesman says the «violent taking down of the Greek flag offends the national sentiment of the Greek people» Police on Wednesday detained 63 ...

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