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Greek National Council for Radio and Television (NCRTV) towards the media: “Don’t show images of homeless and hungry people”

In an unprecedented decision which amounts to indirect censorship the Greek National Council for Radio and Television (NCRTV) recommends to media, especially TV stations, not display images of homelessness and impoverished citizens. The pretext is that "there is no consensus from these people" but it is clear that this decision serves another purpose. This became obvious from the way some media downgraded t ...

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Solidarity to the public transport strikers in Greece from the Amsterdam public transport trade union

"To the Greek workers in the public transport The trade union Advakabo of the Amsterdam public transport group (GVB) wants to express its support and solidarity to your resistance against the salary cuts and the impending dismissal that you are about to face, if you continue with the planned strikes. We, as members of the trade union in the public sector, also fight in our country against austerity measures ...

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Teachers in Greece react to government plans to undermine education

Currently, the Greek ministry of education is unfolding its plans for the reform of education. In accordance with the harsh austerity policies that are agreed with the Troika (EU, ECB, IMF) thousands of teachers and administrative employees will be fired, while hundreds of schools will shut down. At the same time, the ministry is imposing a new system of evaluation for education at all levels. The principle ...

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How privatizations work: The example of ATE bank

What kind of world is this? How is it possible to bury a compelling case such as the transfer of ATE Bank (Agricultural Bank of Greece S.A.) to Sallas? Why does it go unnoticed from all the major newspapers, right-wing and "democratic", the major channels, or even the major news web-sites? Who shuts mouths and how even elementary journalistic "curiosity" disappear from the Greek republic of memoranda? ATE b ...

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Juan Antonio Samaranch: A fascist who moulded the Olympic games

The backers of the 2012 Olympics ignore Juan Antonio Samaranch’s horrible history, writes Matthew Cookson [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="250"] ‘We are the Masters . . . for a few more months.’ Samaranch, fourth from right, surrounded by fascist deadbeats in 1974 mourning Adolf Hitler ([/caption] The obitu ...

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Greece: Migrants Describe Fear on the Streets

New Government Should Act to Prevent, Punish Xenophobic Attacks (Athens) – The Greek authorities are failing to tackle a rising wave of xenophobic violence that has left migrants afraid to walk the streets. The 99-page report, “Hate on the Streets: Xenophobic Violence in Greece” documents the failure of the police and the judiciary to prevent and punish rising attacks on migrants. Despite clear patterns to ...

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The less we work, the more we do/Hoe minder we werken, hoe meer we doen

(voor Nederlands scroll down) An evening of debate on new activist movements, traditional workers organizations, creation of jobs and the end of unlimited exploitation of resources. Case study: Steelworkers and miners strikes in Greece and Spain.Organized by Take the Square-Zuid Holland and REinFORM WHERE: Vondelbunker, Amsterdam WHEN: 14th of July, Saturday, from 18'00 to 21'00  In October 2011, Greek ...

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Robert Mundell, evil genius of the euro

For the architect of the euro, taking macroeconomics away from elected politicians and forcing deregulation were part of the plan The idea that the euro has "failed" is dangerously naive. The euro is doing exactly what its progenitor – and the wealthy 1%-ers who adopted it – predicted and planned for it to do. That progenitor is former University of Chicago economist Robert Mundell. The architect of "supply ...

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Quebec students mobilize against draconian law aimed at breaking four-month strike

By Roger Annis, May 18, 2012 MONTREAL—The strike of post-secondary students in Quebec has taken a dramatic turn with the provincial government rushing adoption of a special law on May 18 to suspend the school year at strike-bound institutions until August and outlaw protest activity deemed disruptive of institutions not participating in the strike. Details of Bill 78 were unveiled the day before and debated ...

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The deep state ‘loves’ the movies

The entrance of the Chrisi Avgi leader Nikos Michaloliakos in parliament (as a result of the Greek elections on 6 May 2012), has brought to light all of his "heroic" past. His youthful exploits include two incidents with a film interest: The bomb attacks on the cinemas Elli and Rex in central Athens. On March 11, 1978 an explosion shakes the cinema Ellie on Academias street, during a viewing. It is Saturday ...

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