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Greece: Democracy is born in the squares There may be no better proof of the rupture that is brought about by the “movement of the squares” other than its open, participatory, directly democratic way of organising and functioning. Within a single week it has given birth to a political culture of a different type, one that literally overcomes all known models of organising and struggle to date. Even if the issue of its proced ...

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Neoliberalism is destroying Europe

Austerity and repression won't bring Europe out of crisis, we need a social struggle against free market politics. By Christian Marazzi The European sovereign debt crisis, which was caused by member states' public debt but increased because of the actions taken to rescue the banks after the 2008 crisis, demonstrates at least three things. First, that currency does not exist without a state. Second, that cap ...

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Guardian: There is a context to London's riots that can't be ignored

Those condemning the events in north London and elsewhere would do well to take a step back and consider the bigger picture By Nina Power Since the coalition came to power just over a year ago, the country has seen multiple student protests, occupations of dozens of universities, several strikes, a half-a-million-strong trade union march and now unrest on the streets of the capital (preceded by clashes with ...

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A new Greek draft law proposes the temporary legalisation of illegal buildings in return for a fine.Or how state coruption becomes legale..

Paying through the roof by Damian Mac Con Uladh THERE are up to a million of them, according to government estimates, to be found all over the country, within towns and cities and far beyond them, some large, in your face mansions and others smaller refuges against the summer heat. They are Greece’s illegal homes, long a scourge on the country’s physical and natural environment and a problem that successive ...

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What is a popular assembly and how do we coordinate ?

This text has been prepared by the Commission for Group Dynamics in Assemblies of the Puerta del Sol Protest Camp (Madrid). It is based on different texts and summaries which reached consensus in the internal Assemblies of this Commission (and which will be made available on the official webs of the 15th May Movement) and from the experiences gained in the General Assemblies held in this Protest Camp up unt ...

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Le Monde Diplomatique: Iceland’s loud No

by Silla Sigurgeirsdóttir and Robert H Wade Can’t pay back, won’t pay back The people of Iceland have now twice voted not to repay international debts incurred by banks, and bankers, for which the whole island is being held responsible. With the present turmoil in European capitals, could this be the way forward for other economies? The small island of Iceland has lessons for the world. It held a referendum ...

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London Message to Syntagma

In this time of great confusion, political apathy and misinformation we are compelled to respond dynamically to issues that affect us all as citizens of the world, as human beings. We EXPRESS OUR SOLIDARITY to Syntagma Square and, together, we call for the RE-ENFORCEMENT of the network of the Real Democracy Now groups across Europe. 1) We CONDEMN the propaganda of the major mainstream media who do not tell ...

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Greek rescue bizarrely increases its debts

By Hugo Dixon The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own. Listen to the politicians and one might think that Greece’s debts will fall as a result of last week’s provisional rescue by euro zone leaders and private-sector creditors. In fact, they go up. Athens’ borrowings will increase by 31 billion euros under the rescue scheme, according to an analysis by Reuters Bre ...

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