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The Greek "Ultimatum": Bailout (For The Bankers) And (Loss Of) Sovereignty

By Tyler Durden So after one year of beating around the bush, it is finally made clear that, as many were expecting all along, the ultimate goal of the Greek "bailouts" is nothing short of the state's (partial for now) annexation by Europe. According to an FT breaking news article, "European leaders are negotiating a deal that would lead to unprecedented outside intervention in the Greek economy, including ...

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The four myths of the Indignant movement

Myths have always been an essential part of the institution of society. There has never been a society without myths, there have never existed humans without unreal stories and fairy tales. Myths are to a large extent the driving forces of individual actions and certainly are the means through which collective bonds and identities are created and consolidated. Apart from the conventional use of the word "my ...

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How Goldman Sachs Created the Food Crisis

Don't blame American appetites, rising oil prices, or genetically modified crops for rising food prices. Wall Street's at fault for the spiraling cost of food. Bankers recognized a good system when they saw it, and dozens of speculative non-physical hedgers followed Goldman's lead and joined the commodities index game, including Barclays, Deutsche Bank, Pimco, JP Morgan Chase, AIG, Bear Stearns, and Lehman ...

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Kevin Connor: Goldman's Role in Greek Crisis Is Proving Too Ugly to Ignore

Goldman Sachs appears to be testing the limits of its special talent for avoiding all accountability following revelations of its role in exacerbating the Greek debt crisis. The bank has come under heavy criticism from European political officials over its role in helping Greece hide its debts, and on Wednesday, Greek labor unions staged a historic strike that shut down the country's national infrastructure ...

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Max Keiser: Irish government slaves to IMF terror machine!

  If Europe's single currency fails, so would the Union itself. The warning comes from the EU president, who was speaking ahead of the meeting of the Eurozone's finance ministers. Portugal has warned it could be forced out of the Eurozone, and Ireland is also being urged to use European bailout money to prevent bankruptcy. But Financial analyst Max Keiser says going to the IMF for help would be even wo ...

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Topeconomen in debat over situatie Griekenland

Economiestudenten van de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) organiseren samen met de Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA) op maandag 6 juni een expertmeeting, in het kader van het discussieprogramma Room for Discussion, over de Eurozone en de situatie in Griekenland. Job Cohen opent de expertmeeting, wa araan de topeconomen Nout Wellink (president DNB), Willem Buiter (hoofdeconoom Citigroup), Arnoud Boot en Sweder van ...

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Breaking News: Foreign Exchange Market Confirmed As Irrational

Dateline: Athens       Amidst reports that Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou has struck a deal with the so-called ‘troika’ – the EU, ECB and the IMF – to extend the maturities of Greek sovereign debt through 2014 and to throw more money into the ailing country against a promise of increased fiscal austerity, the currency markets today confirmed their irrationality. The Eurozone’s single ...

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Resolution of Indignated Citizens in Syntagma, Athens

RESOLUTIE VAN DE OPENBARE ASSEMBLAGE VAN HET VIERKANT VAN HET SYNTAGMA Reeds lange tijd wordt er over ons, maar zonder ons, beslist. Wij zijn werknemers, werklozen, gepensioneerden en jongeren die naar het Syntagma-plein zijn gekomen om te strijden en op te komen voor onze levens en onze toekomst. We zijn hier omdat we weten dat de oplossingen voor onze problemen alleen uit ons zelf kunnen voortkomen. We ro ...

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