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1st newsletter of Troika Watch

The last months of the year are traditionally the time when national parliaments vote on the budgets for next year. Like in the years before, in many countries deep cuts in social services and further privatizations are planned. Despite good-sounding news from and for the financial markets, austerity for ordinary people continues. This might not be by accident. ...

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Information package on the dogma of competitiveness and the competitiveness pact

Mainly driven by the German government, the EU´s political elite is planning the introduction of a so-called “competitiveness pact”. What lies behind this is a kind of eternal “Troika for all”. National governments are supposed to agree on ever more neoliberal reforms in bilateral contracts with the EU-Commission. This attack against democracy and social rights must be resisted! ...

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Socialism in Seattle and rotten economics elsewhere

The victory of Kshama Sawant as a Socialist city councillor in Seattle ( has taken an interesting turn on the economics front.  You see, Sawant is not only a socialist, she also has a Ph D in economics and teaches it at the local city college.  This news has outraged a columnist for the Forbes magazine.  Forbes m ...

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Mandela’s economic legacy

The death of Nelson Mandela reminds us of the great victory that the black masses of South Africa achieved over the vicious, cruel and regressive apartheid system first encouraged by British imperialism and then adopted by a reactionary and racist white South African ruling class to preserve the privileges of a tiny few.  Mandela spent 27 years in prison and the people he represented fought a long and hard ...

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“Sack the Economists”

Non-mainstream economists are all-too aware of the failure of mainstream economists to anticipate, let alone avoid, the Global Financial Crisis and the ensuing Great Recession.  The mainstream profession is also failing to fix the problem, and is actually making it worse. ...

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To do justice to Mandela’s life, the struggle must continue

Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. Amandla magazine stands with Nelson Mandela's family, the ANC (the organisation he lived and died for), his closest comrades, especially the surviving Treason Trialists and Robben Island prisoners, the South African people as well as millions of people around the world to mark the passing of a great man. ...

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The Economic and Political Context of Student Debt

lan Collinge, author of “The Student Loan Scam: The Most Oppressive Debt in U.S. History and How We Can Fight Back,” recently spoke to students at the University of Illinois Urbana campus. His argument is detailed, persuasive, and heartbreaking; it is also a call to action for students and progressives. I was privileged to speak briefly at this event about the economic and political context of student debt, ...

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Griekenland: staat tegen fascisme?

Op 18 september vielen enkele tientallen neo-nazi’s Pavlos Fyssas aan, een anti-fascistische hiphop-artiest. Giorgos Roupakias, lid en plaatselijk organisator van de Gouden Dageraad, stak hem neer. De politie stond erbij en keek ernaar, een agente greep pas in toen de rapper al op de grond lag dood te gaan. Het was een duidelijk voorbeeld van fascistische moorddadigheid en van medeplichtigheid van staatsweg ...

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