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Chile: Forty years on from US-imposed terror

September 11 is a date forever associated with mass murder of civilians — and this was the case nearly three decades before the 2001 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in New York. This year, September 11 marks the 40th anniversary of the US-organised military coup that overthrew the elected left-wing government of Salvador Allende and installed a brutal dictatorship headed by General Augusto Pinochet. ...

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Europe’s public health disaster: How austerity kills

(CNN) -- If austerity had been a clinical trial, it would have been stopped. As public health experts, we have watched aghast as a slow motion disaster arose from austerity policies in Europe, while politicians continue to ignore the evidence of their disastrous effects. Austerity was designed to shrink debts. Now, three years after Europe's budget-cutting began, the evidence is in: severe, indiscriminate a ...

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The war drive against Syria

Ten years after the US government went to war in Iraq on the basis of lies about nonexistent weapons of mass destruction (WMD), a no less grotesque provocation is being concocted by Paris, London, and Washington to justify a new war of aggression against Syria. ...

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Syria’s escalating crisis

Excessive ideological zeal, immoderate sincerity and determination to fight to the finish are fuelling Syria's crisis. After several days of dilly-dallying and international pressure, the Syrian government has agreed to permita team of United Nations experts to visit rebel-held suburbs of Damascus - scene of an apparent chemical attack last week. One immediate consequence has been to overshadow all previous ...

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Why Nobody Cares About the Surveillance State

When you've been groped by the TSA, what's a little NSA spying? BY DAVID RIEFF On their face, Edward Snowden's revelations about the National Security Agency's secret mass electronic data surveillance system should have created a political firestorm for the Obama administration and the U.S. Congress. Not only have PRISM and related programs been used systematically to collect information about Americans wit ...

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David Harvey interview: The importance of postcapitalist imagination

From housing to wages, David Harvey says examining capitalism's contradictions can point the way towards an alternative world. Five years ago next month Lehman Brothers filed for the largest bankruptcy in US history. Its collapse was to signal the beginning of the Great Recession – the most substantial world historic crisis of capitalism since the second world war. How should we understand the fundamentals ...

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The Netherlands haven for companies that violate human rights

The Netherlands is host to companies that are involved in human rights violations all over the world. This follows from new research by SOMO (The Research Centre on Multinational Corporations) on the relationship between Dutch tax and investment policy attracting international businesses to the Netherlands, and human rights. Whilst the Dutch government, in its recently published policy statement on corporat ...

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Why the European Commission is Wrong. The Case of Spain

The Vice President of the European Commission, Olli Rehn, in charge of Economic and Monetary Affairs is becoming the most unpopular Commissioner in Spain. He emphasizes over and over again that labor market rigidities are causing the high unemployment in Spain. Labor rigidities is a polite way of accusing the Spanish trade unions for the high rate of unemployment that exists in Spain. Indeed, labor rigiditi ...

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Amigdaleza, the Greek Abu Graib

On Saturday night, violent riots broke out in the Detention Centre of Migrants in Amigdaleza, ironically called Guest Centre for Migrants). It is well documented that the detention conditions are horrific and that most of the prisoners are held illegally since they have not committed any crime nor have they been tried and sentenced by any court. Following the riots, the “guests” in Amygdaleza already count ...

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