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Golden Dawn’s rise signals breakdown of the Greek state’s authority

The far-right party's emergence – supported by far too many in positions of power – has created a toxic situation Protest in London on Saturday after the murder in Athens of Greek hip-hop artist Pavlos Fyssas by Golden Dawn. Photograph: Pete Riches/Demotix/Corbis   Today, it is reported that elements in the Greek armed forces have been training Golden Dawn hit squads. There are allegations that there i ...

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Austerity will bring the number of people at risk of poverty in Europe up to 146 million by 2025

It could take up to 25 years to regain living standards prior to the economic crisis  If left unchecked, austerity policies could put between 15 and 25 million more Europeans at risk of poverty by 2025 – nearing the population of the Netherlands and Austria combined. This would bring the number of people at risk of poverty in Europe up to 146 million, over a quarter of the population, warns international ag ...

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Syrian war, threat of global conflict dominate G20 summit

The threat of a major war and deep US-Russian tensions over Syria have overshadowed the St. Petersburg G20 summit of leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies. The summit’s ostensible main agenda item—crises in “emerging market” economies such as India and Turkey—has been subsumed into discussion of the devastating global economic impact of a new war in the Middle East. ...

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Debt of Sisyphus: Greek economy’s coma is a misguided political experiment

Austerity is destroying the free part of the Greek economy, leaving government more dysfunctional than ever. Worse news: it will need yet another bailout... Seasoned economic observers remain shocked by recent events. Greece will soon need another bailout. That’s not remotely surprising. What shocks is that there remains some semblance of an economy to bail out after 6 years of depression. Greece is bust, t ...

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The war drive against Syria

Ten years after the US government went to war in Iraq on the basis of lies about nonexistent weapons of mass destruction (WMD), a no less grotesque provocation is being concocted by Paris, London, and Washington to justify a new war of aggression against Syria. ...

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Syria’s escalating crisis

Excessive ideological zeal, immoderate sincerity and determination to fight to the finish are fuelling Syria's crisis. After several days of dilly-dallying and international pressure, the Syrian government has agreed to permita team of United Nations experts to visit rebel-held suburbs of Damascus - scene of an apparent chemical attack last week. One immediate consequence has been to overshadow all previous ...

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