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Profit is the motor of capitalism. What would it be under socialism?

Radicals have a habit of speaking in the conditional. Underlying all their talk about the changes they’d like to see in the world is the uneasy knowledge that our social system places rigid limits on how much change can be accomplished now. “After the revolution…” is the wistful, ironic preface to many a fondly expressed wish on the Left. ...

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Tunisia’s revolution annexed

Almost everyone in Tunisia believes that the benefits of the revolution are in danger. Perhaps from a “secular” opposition that refuses to admit that the conservative An-Nahda Islamists were the clear winners in the National Constituent Assembly elections in October 2011. Or from the An-Nahda Islamists, who want to use their victory to infiltrate the state from within, while exploiting the fear inspired by ...

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Correspondence from Bulgaria

Translated by ReINFORM Correspondence from Bulgaria: “The events and developments of the Bulgarian Winter” Up to this time, protesting has been taking place daily (from February, 12 until today, March, 3). Every afternoon people gather at the city centers and protest. This happens in over 40 cities and villages, even in areas where no protests had ever happened before. The protests initially targeted the re ...

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On the Legacy of Hugo Chávez

I first met Hugo Chávez in New York City in September 2006, just after his infamous appearance on the floor of the UN General Assembly, where he called George W. Bush the devil. “Yesterday, the devil came here,” he said, “Right here. Right here. And it smells of sulfur still today, this table that I am now standing in front of.” He then made the sign of the cross, kissed his hand, winked at his audience and ...

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Racist, anti-semitic, violent – the true face of Golden Dawn

Greece's neo-Nazi Golden Dawn is increasingly influential among members of the country's political mainstream. Student Konstantinos Georgousis filmed party members on the streets of Athens.  Warning: this video contains highly offensive and racist language Golden Dawn, the extreme right-wing party in Greece, won 18 seats in the country's last election. Since then support for the party has doubled as it push ...

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Ex-Mayor in Greece Gets Life in Prison for Embezzlement

ATHENS — The former mayor of Greece’s second city, Salonika, and two of his top aides were sentenced to life in prison on Wednesday after being found guilty of embezzling almost 18 million euros, or $23.5 million, in public money — a rare conviction in a case involving the political corruption that has contributed to the country’s dysfunction and economic decline.   A court in Salonika, a northern port ...

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Far right Golden Dawn launches child indoctrination courses

Courses of “national awakening” in children aged 6 to 10 years, in the presence of their parents, are being run by the far-right party of the Golden Dawn in Greece. According to an official party announcement, on Saturday, Feb. 23, at the offices of the Golden Dawn in Artemis Attica the first “Conformation of Children” was held. About 20 children with their parents attended the meeting. The children watched ...

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Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Future of the Egyptian Revolution

Egypt stands at a crossroads. Its future remains uncertain and the past cannot be escaped. What comes next depends on the outcome of the various conflicts that continue to define Egyptian political, economic and social life. The Muslim Brotherhood Government of Mohammed Morsi represents another stage in the continuing contestation over both the state and the meaning of the Revolution. ...

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Whose free press?

Latin American presidents have attempted to regulate by law the content of media owned and controlled by a very few private individuals, and to reduce the concentration of that ownership. The task is not an easy one. Brazil’s president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva drafted a media bill a few months before he left office, intended to regulate content and reduce the concentration of media ownership — 14 families ...

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