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True Story

This is Greece and Europe in 2013! A documentary film on Golden Dawn, its promotion by the media, its co-operation with Greek police and the struggle against fascism in Greece.     Created by Network of Information and Solidarity for Antifascist and Anti-repressive Action in Greece   ...

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Greece’s Latest Fiscal Solution: Create an Ecological Crisis!

The green crowd used to feel pretty rosy about Greece. After former Prime Minister George Papandreou was elected in 2009, he set up a government ministry to study the environment, energy, and climate change, and he talked up initiatives on eco-tourism and renewable energy. But now, after six years of recession, the country has begun buying into several new environmentally damaging development schemes to gen ...

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Unpaid work by unemployed people is the suggestion of the ex finance deputy minister, Petros Doukas.

Why not make slaves out of unemployed people? Unpaid work by unemployed people is the suggestion of the ex finance deputy minister, Petros Doukas. Mr Doukas outlined on his personal webpage a number of suggestions in order for Greece to exit the crisis. One of his brilliant suggestions is that unemployed people should offer unpaid work wherever the State needs them to. Also enterprises could be asked whethe ...

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Did a former finance minister tamper with evidence to protect his family?

THE first culprit of Greece’s biggest tax-evasion scandal in recent memory may not be a high-rolling tycoon but the former finance minister. In 2010 George Papaconstantinou, the chief negotiator of Greece’s first bail-out by the European Union and the IMF, took delivery from the French government of a computer disk with the names of some 2,000 Greeks with Swiss bank accounts. Mr Papaconstantinou should imme ...

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Iceland's constitutional referendum: natural resources are a national heritage

With a turn-out of 48.9 per cent, the Icelandic electorate approved on October 20, 2012, by 66.3 per cent of the votes cast, the outline of the new draft constitution. This is an indication that the Icelandic Parliament, which must adopt the constitution, will have to take into account. In addition to this general question, voters had to decide on five additional questions in the debate around the project: ...

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Europe’s hard borders

Matthew Carr investigates the brutal border regimes of our ‘gated continent’ and suggests the possibility of a different politics of solidarity. In the aftermath of the cold war, the more utopian prophets of globalisation hailed the advent of a new ‘borderless’ world in which national borders would become irrelevant and obsolete. Since then governments across the world have dismantled barriers and tariffs a ...

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In Greek Migrant Camp, Refugees Find Tough Road to Europe

By Naomi Kresge   It was 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday when Greek Coast Guard Ensign Chrisafis Theofilos’s boat got a report of a migrant drowning off the coast of the island of Lesbos. [nggallery id=4] As dawn began to break, Theofilos sped south toward the man’s coordinates. His scheduled departure had already been delayed five hours by a broken radar system that headquarters in Athens hadn’t yet fixed. Th ...

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Police attacks Villa Amalias Squat in Athens

Once again, the State is trying to terrorise by means of sudden raids against occupied self-organized spaces. Villa Amalias squat is housed in the building of Heyden and Acharnon street for 22 years. Within the squat hundreds of political and cultural events have been held (concerts, theatrical performances, screenings etc), while the anti-commercial culture that opposes the culture of sale and profit, powe ...

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State Capture and the Democratic Movement

We are currently witnessing the collapse of the neoliberal project and yet, in the absence of a serious, purposeful democratic movement, it looks very much as if the combined forces of neoliberal capitalism are consolidating their hold on Western society. The last crisis, in the mid-seventies, was resolved only with Thatcher's election in 1979 and Ronald Reagan's a year later, and the launch of the neoliber ...

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A nexus of media, business and politics lies behind the country's crisis, say critics.

Special Report: Greece's triangle of power   By Stephen Grey and Dina Kyriakidou (Reuters) - In late 2011 the Greek finance minister made an impassioned plea for help to rescue his country from financial ruin. "We need a national collective effort: all of us have to carry the burden together," announced Evangelos Venizelos, who has since become leader of the socialist party PASOK. "We need something th ...

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