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Na Duitsland heeft ook het Nederlandse kabinet besloten om patriotraketten te sturen naar Turks-Syrische grens. Samen met deze raketten zullen ook honderden Nederlandse militairen gestationeerd worden op Turks grondgebied.  Wij verzetten ons resoluut tegen de legering van Nederlandse troepen en patriotraketten in Turkije. Turkije en het Midden-Oosten hebben behoefte aan vrede en geen oorlog. De bevolking in ...

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UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants on the situation in Greece

UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants concludes the fourth and last country visit in his regional study on the human rights of migrants at the borders of the European Union: Greece ATHENS (3 December 2012): Following an invitation by the Government, I conducted a visit to Greece from 25 November to 3 December 2012. During my 9-day visit, I visited Athens, the Evros region bordering Turkey, t ...

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Greece takes bottom EU spot in global corruption index

(Reuters) - Greece has scored the worst ranking of all 27 European Union nations in a global league table of perceived official corruption, falling below ex-communist Bulgaria as public anger about graft soars during the country's crisis. The index on state sector corruption, published by anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International (TI) on Wednesday, also showed other struggling euro zone countries ...

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Gaza is no longer alone

In the nations of the Arab spring, people are now rising up to demand Palestinian rights as well A Palestinian woman makes the victory sign during the funeral of a child killed in an Israeli attack in Gaza last week. Photograph: Said Khatib/AFP/Getty Images   If you click here, you can listen to the Israeli attacks on Gaza. You can hear explosions, drones and ambulances. This is the soundtrack of the l ...

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PROTEST ZATERDAG 17 NOVEMBER 13:00 OP DE DAM, AMSTERDAM Israël zet opnieuw de Gazastrook in vuur en vlam op een wijze die doet denken aan 'de aanloop' tot de Israëlische Gazaslachting van vier jaar geleden (ruim 1400 doden, ruim 5000 gewonden, massale verwoesting, terreur tegen ruim 1,5 miljoen daar opgesloten Palestijnen). Kom zaterdag 17 november om 13:00 uur naar de Dam te Amsterdam voor protest. En teve ...

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TUC letter to Greek PM: no to austerity

Solidarity with Greek workers Letter to the Greek Prime Minister November 2012 As part of the run up to the 14 November ETUC Day of Action against austerity, for jobs and growth, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber has written formally to the Greek Prime Minister - at the request of Greek trade unions - expressing 'anger and dismay about ... measures which will hit harder the weakest and will deteriorate f ...

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Greek MPs support austerity package [Photos and Videos]

The Greek government has secured enough votes to pass deeply unpopular austerity measures essential to unlocking further aid from foreign lenders. The fragile three-party coalition managed to secure 153 votes. 151 votes were needed to win approval for the package of spending cuts, tax hikes and labour reforms despite the junior-ruling Democratic Left party's refusal to back it. Outside parliament buildings ...

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Greek editor's arrest sought over list with Swiss accounts

ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek police are seeking to arrest the editor of a weekly magazine for publishing a list of more than 2,000 names of wealthy Greeks who have placed money in Swiss bank accounts, police said on Saturday. The so-called "Lagarde List" - given to Greece by French authorities in 2010 with names to be probed for possible tax evasion - has been a topic of heated speculation in Greek media in rec ...

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By Augustine Zenakos: 425.000 Greek voters sided with a neonazi political party in the last election. Though Golden Dawn is implicated in a surge of violent attacks, and while its views range from the ridiculous to the downright racist, its popularity is rising by the day. What exactly is Golden Dawn, where does it come from, what is its true nature? What is the extent of their relationship to the police? A ...

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