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A challenge for the Left and the movement in whole Europe

On July 5th the Greek people raised proudly their voice against the powerful alliance of the domestic and foreign economic elites along with their allies: the EU, the ECB, the IMF and the Greek and foreign media that were threatening the people with a disaster in case of a NO vote. This was the second case within 6 months, the first being the election of a left government on January 25th that the Greek peop ...

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Dijsselbloem, resign from Eurogroup presidency!

Dijsselbloem, treed af als voorzitter van de Eurogroep! Door Dimitris Pavlopoulos, Arbeidssocioloog VU (scroll down for English) Hoe Dijsselbloem de Griekse economie ondermijnt Op 5 juli, de dag van het referendum in Griekenland, heeft de voorzitter van de Eurogroep en PvdA prominent, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, een brief gestuurd aan de leden van zijn partij. Naar mijn mening bevat de brief van dhr. Dijsselbloem ...

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NO to austerity! YES to democracy!

NO to austerity! YES to democracy! (scroll down for Greek) On July 5th, people in Greece are called to decide whether to agree or not with the inhuman austerity policies imposed by the Troika. Violating any written and unwritten rule of democracy, EU leaders such as Merkel, Juncker and Dijsselbloem blackmail the Greek people that by voting ΝΟ, they will face an unprecedented disaster. With this letter, we c ...

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On the 5th of July the Greek citizens are invited to participate in a referendum in order to decide whether they accept Troika's proposal of new devastating cuts in return for a new debt funding package. In particular, the Troika demands a dramatic cut in pensions, an increase in indirect taxes and the total liberalization of the labour market. It is no surprise that since the announcement of the referendum ...

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Joy as Turkish election result puts pro-Kurdish party into parliament

Thousands of jubilant Kurds flooded the streets of Diyarbakir, south east Turkey,on Sunday, setting off fireworks and waving flags as the pro-Kurdish opposition looked likely to enter parliament as a party for the first time. The Peoples’ Democratic party (HDP) said initial results from Sunday’s election showed it would take 80 of 550 seats, a stunning result for a party that pollsters had said would strugg ...

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Mediterranean deathtoll: Accidents or EU policy?

With the death toll of African and Asians on their way to Europe rising by the thousands, the European Union has showed once again that it is ready to pay the price of lives lost at sea to maintain the myth of sovereignty over its borders. With ever growing securitization and militarization of its immigrations policies, the European Union is closing the gates to the unwanted outsiders and covers the Mediter ...

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Have some respect — also for the Greeks, please!

By Ingeborg Beugel on May 10, 2015 For five years, the Greeks have been publicly shamed, insulted, humiliated and spat upon by the rest of Europe. It is high time to show some respect. As a former correspondent in Greece I am still regularly invited to radio and TV shows in the Netherlands, or to give lectures or talks about the Greek debt crisis somewhere in the country. The latter are usually organized by ...

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Crisis-ridden Greece hit by tax avoidance through the Netherlands

Athens, 30 March 2015 – A new report by the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) reveals that while Greece endures harsh austerity measures imposed by the European Commission, European Central Bank and IMF and supported by the Netherlands, Greece’s economic recovery is being undermined by large-scale tax avoidance – enabled by the Netherlands. Our report, Fool’s Gold , reveals that tax a ...

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ReINFORM on yesterday’s Eurogroup agreement

scroll down for Greek The recent Eurogroup negotiations dispelled any remaining doubts about the purposes of the European Union. What we saw in the last few days had nothing to do with “our equal partners”, as the finance minister Y. Varoufakis had said, but was nothing less than a gang led by the interests of the German capital, shamelessly threatening and blackmailing the Greek people. The Greek governmen ...

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