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The replacement of tear gases and stun grenades

For some time now I’ve been concerned with a piece of research related with microwaves, and it first came to my attention during my relevant research while I was studying wireless communications. This was mentioned as the 2004 Olympics security was on debate. The idea was to aim an antenna emitting radiation at microwave frequency (actually slightly higher frequency/smaller wavelength which changes little i ...

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Discrimination has no place in our European democracy: condemn the website of Geert Wilders

The Dutch anti-migration party of Geert Wilders has launched a website where Dutch people can file anonymously complaints on workers from Central and Eastern Europe. To make it easy for prospective ‘plaintiffs’ to remember what exactly it is they are resenting, the platform provides handy categories, e.g. public intoxication, disturbing the public peace, spurring job losses etc. SIgn the petition! The free ...

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EU figures show crisis-busting arms sales to Greece

By Andrew Rettman BRUSSELS - Official figures show that EU countries sold Greece over €1 billion of arms at the same time as negotiating its first bail-out back in 2010. France was by far the biggest seller, with a €794 million aircraft deal, according to recently-released European Council data on arms licences granted by member states. It also sold €58 million of missiles and €19 million of electronics use ...

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Greek farmers undercut large retailers in potato revolt

From kiosnet     Greek farmers have taken to selling their produce directly to consumers in a move to push down prices and cut out retailers they accuse of profiteering. In a climate of harsh austerity, soaring unemployment and diminishing income, thousands of Greeks are flocking to makeshift markets where farmers are reportedly selling their produce at less than half supermarket prices. The actio ...

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Are Greeks the hardest workers in Europe?

By Charlotte McDonald BBC News   The eurozone crisis has sown divisions in the European family, and Greece in particular has often been singled out for criticism. Has Greece been living beyond its means? Are Greeks lazy? On this second point, the statistics tell a surprising story. This week Greece is facing more spending cuts after agreeing to a deal of 130bn euros (£110bn, $175bn) to help it avoid ba ...

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The Humiliation of Greece

“How can one speak of default in the future tense when we’re already bankrupt… Don’t you see the people scouring through garbage and sleeping on sidewalks? Those who led us to bankruptcy – the troika and the government – now claim they want to save us from bankruptcy. It’s incredible.” – Mikis Theodorakis, composer and songwriter “Everything is changing. Everything is frightening.” –Kathimerini, Greek newsp ...

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Paul Krugman: Greece

We must do something. This is something. Therefore we must do it. Yes, Minister. What can I say? As Felix Salmon says, this really isn’t credible. The problem with all previous rounds here has been that austerity policies depress the economy to such an extent that it wipes out most of the topline fiscal gains: revenue fall, so does GDP, so the projected debt/GDP ratio gets, if anything, worse. Now we have a ...

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Netherlands to Greece: We are all Greeks

The would like to thank everyone who participated in the solidarity action on the 18th of February in Amsterdam. We hope that the solidarity message which was sent yesterday to the Greek people from all over Europe will help them to keep on struggling. Even though we live thousands of kilometres away from Greece, our spirit is with them. And is the spirit of resistance... Solidarity Message From ...

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Greece: Three years of resistance

The beginning of the tragedy Only in the first three weeks after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, on September 15th 2008, almost 2.5 millions Americans lost their houses, being unable to repay off their mortgages. From October, 2007 to the first quarter of 2009, the international stock market losses had overcome those of 1929. More than 42 trillion dollars were lost, amount that, at that time, corresponded ...

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What are bankers doing inside EU summits?

Privileged access to EU summits helped the banking lobby avoid paying for their own excesses At the Euro Summits in July and October 2011[1], crucial decisions “to save the Euro” and “to save Greece” were made. It was agreed to restructure Greek debts and banks were asked to accept a 'haircut' to their profits to avoid a Greek default and the risk that some banks might default as a result. In Summer 2011, t ...

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