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Germany Digs in Heels on Austerity as Greece Demands End to ‘Business As Usual’

As a leaked document on Wednesday suggested the German government is determined to take a hard stance against the new Syriza government, Greece's newly appointed financial minister Yanis Varoufakis declared "business as usual" is no longer an option when it comes to his nation's relationship with European creditors. Representing the new anti-austerity Syriza government, Varoufakis said he is optimistic that ...

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In Greece it is austerity itself that has caused the tragedy

By Dimitris Pavlopoulos (Dimitris Pavlopoulos works as an assistant professor in Sociology at the Free University of Amsterdam.) The Greek elections on January 25th are sending a message to whole Europe. On January 25th the Greek citizens are going to cast their votes. Since the announcement of the early parliamentary elections, intimidation of Greek citizens begun. The President of the European Commission ...

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After the crisis, the nation state strikes back

Putin’s muscle-flexing shows the role of states in matters of war and peace, writes Mark Mazower Is the state making a comeback? It can certainly look like it. Old-fashioned interstate conflicts are roiling the China Sea and Russia’s western borders. Inter-governmental meetings such as the last Apec conference and the Group of 20 leading economies in Sydney took on an unwonted urgency. More positively, it i ...

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Neonazi Violence in Zurich

On Thursday 6th of November, a company of 4 Greeks got attacked by a Neonazi gang inside a tram which was heading towards Bahnofstrasse from Rennweg. The attack continued in the area of the Bahnofstrasse tram station. Once they were identified as Greeks, they got provoked by the gang who started yelling “Golden Dawn” at them. When the Greeks expressed their disagreement with the ideology of “Golden Dawn”, t ...

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Solidarity with Kobane! Support the Kurdish resistance!

The fundamentalist extremists of the so-called "Islamic State" have massacred thousands. The government of Iraq has been unable and unwilling to stop them. The Syrian Kurdish PYD has put up strong resistance. They have helped Ezidi's to escape and to organize self-defence groups against IS. They have proven to be the most effective resistance against the fundamentalist terror. For weeks, IS has been attacki ...

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Discussion evening: Solidarity with Kobane

On Thursday, October 16th, 20.00 at IIRE ( Lombokstraat 40, 1094 AL Amsterdam) Grenzeloos and Borderless organize a discussion meeting on the Rojava experience, the current situation, the role of Turkey and the Netherlands as well as the ways of concrete solidarity with the resisting people of Kobane. The event will be in English and Dutch. Confirmed speakers: Sheruan Hassan (PYD Spokesperson) Nuri Karabulu ...

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Hasta siempre, Comandante! Che Guevara’s ideas flourish decades on

Che Guevera died 47 years ago, but he continues to inspire millions around the world. The popularity he enjoys so many years after his death is proof that though “they” may have killed the man, “they” will never extinguish the ideas for which he died. On 9 October 1967, Ernesto “Che” Guevara was executed by a Bolivian army officer at the end of his ill-fated attempt to foment revolution throughout Latin Ame ...

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Leverancier van raket MH17 zetelt op de Amsterdamse Zuidas

De raket waarmee vlucht MH17 vorige week boven Oekraïne is neergehaald, is indirect afgevuurd vanaf de Amsterdamse Zuidas. De wapens zouden afkomstig zijn van de Russische wapenfabrikant Rosoboronexport dat via een web van bv's profiteert van de belastingvoordelen die Nederland biedt. Een vriend van de Russische president Poetin zit in de directie. Dat meldt 925 (nine to five), een nieuwssite die is opgezet ...

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Isolation prisons are another modernisation of Greek “democracy”. The public outcry refers to them as the Greek Guantanamo. But to be fair, we must acknowledge that it was the “European legal culture” that first came up with the “white” cells, already since the '70s, in Germany, France, Spain and elsewhere, and today they have become a growing tendency in the whole area of the European Union. ...

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