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Greek Watergate Scandal- US Embassy behind phone-tapping of Karamanlis

According to a Greek prosecutor, the US embassy in Athens was apparently behind the wiretapping of former prime minister Costas Karamanlis as well as other officials in the period 2004 – 2005. In today’s edition of “Kathimerini on Sunday” it was revealed that four of a total of fourteen mobile phones used by the former prime minister and his associates, were purchased in the name of the US embassy. Apart fr ...

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Onderpand voor lening: Goud? Geld? Of toch een zonnig eiland?

We found it on and you cand find the translation in Greek here. Een onderpand in ruil voor nieuwe leningen aan Griekenland is en blijft een harde eis voor de Finse regering. Maar wat dat onderpand precies moet zijn, daarover valt te praten. Geld, grond, staatsbedrijven en goud zijn de opties. Ze hebben allemaal voor- en nadelen. Geld. Die optie heeft de Finland met de Griekse regering afgesprok ...

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Somalia: the Real Causes of Famine

by Michel Chossudovsky at For the last twenty years, Somalia has been entangled in a "civil war" amidst the destruction of both its rural and urban economies. The country is now facing widespread famine. According to reports, tens of thousands of people have died from malnutrition in the last few months. The lives of several million people are threatened. The mainstream media ca ...

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USA – UK : 2 – 1

Three stories that made us laugh and cry at the same time. by Dozens of teens detained after Philadelphia's earlier curfew Police on bicycles detain a minor for a curfew violation in Philadelphia. Philadelphia (CNN) -- Philadelphia police picked up 50 juveniles for violating the city's beefed-up curfew which took effect Friday night, authorities said Saturd ...

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Europe's €200 billion reverse wealth tax explained

by Harald Hau* Last week, the European heads of government added €109 billion to the existing €110 billion rescue plan for Greece. As Europe’s financial sector would have otherwise taken a huge hit, this column address the question: How did the financial sector manage to negotiate such a gigantic wealth transfer from the Eurozone taxpayer and the IMF to the richest 5% of people in the world? When the deal w ...

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Neoliberalism is destroying Europe

Austerity and repression won't bring Europe out of crisis, we need a social struggle against free market politics. By Christian Marazzi The European sovereign debt crisis, which was caused by member states' public debt but increased because of the actions taken to rescue the banks after the 2008 crisis, demonstrates at least three things. First, that currency does not exist without a state. Second, that cap ...

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A new Greek draft law proposes the temporary legalisation of illegal buildings in return for a fine.Or how state coruption becomes legale..

Paying through the roof by Damian Mac Con Uladh THERE are up to a million of them, according to government estimates, to be found all over the country, within towns and cities and far beyond them, some large, in your face mansions and others smaller refuges against the summer heat. They are Greece’s illegal homes, long a scourge on the country’s physical and natural environment and a problem that successive ...

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Greece plans blogging-crackdown after protests

ATHENS | Wed Aug 3, 2011 7:01pm IST (Reuters) - Greece will tighten its internet and media laws to stem violence against politicians backing a deeply unpopular austerity plan, the justice minister said. The move follows public warnings by Prime Minister George Papandreou last month that violent protests against spending cuts, pushed through by his government to satisfy international lenders, threatened to d ...

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Fears of far-right rise in crisis-hit Greece

The Associated Press ATHENS, Greece — They descended by the hundreds -- black-shirted, bat-wielding youths chasing down dark-skinned immigrants through the streets of Athens and beating them senseless in an unprecedented show of force by Greece's far-right extremists. In Greece, alarm is rising that the twin crises of financial meltdown and soaring illegal immigration are creating the conditions for a right ...

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Guardian: House of the rising repayments

An abandoned 19th-century villa has become a symbol in bricks and mortar of dubious public-private deals. By Aditya Chakrabortty To understand one of the most intriguing stories of the Greek debt crisis you don't need a degree in economics or an expert grasp of Brussels diplomacy – merely a willingness to get a bit muddy. You start with a cramped 15-minute bus ride out of central Athens to a suburb called Z ...

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