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Le Monde Diplomatique: Iceland’s loud No

by Silla Sigurgeirsdóttir and Robert H Wade Can’t pay back, won’t pay back The people of Iceland have now twice voted not to repay international debts incurred by banks, and bankers, for which the whole island is being held responsible. With the present turmoil in European capitals, could this be the way forward for other economies? The small island of Iceland has lessons for the world. It held a referendum ...

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Is it okay to celebrate the new agreement a little later?

Who doesn’t want to celebrate a great success, especially if it ensures the preservation of his country from total financial disaster which until recently had being consider inevitable. And there is much need for celebration indeed, for an outburst of joy, a success, a breakthrough from all this discomfort and painful failures the country experienced since the outbreak of the "Greek crisis". But ultimately, ...

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Don’t visit Greece!

You have doubtlessly been informed that Greece is bankrupt and had to recourse to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). You might be wondering who are those responsible for Greece’s bankruptcy. If your country was bankrupt, wouldn’t you ask for those responsible to be brought to justice? I guess so. This is what the Greeks ask for as well. However, in Greece there are none responsible for the bankruptcy. N ...

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Geen wurgcontract voor de Grieken: Onderteken de open brief aan Minister van Financiën Jan Kees de Jager

Op 14 juli zullen we deze open brief aan Minister van Financiën Jan Kees de Jager sturen als reactie op zijn onacceptabele opstelling tegenover Griekenland. Ook zullen we verschillende media vragen deze brief te publiceren. Onderteken deze brief door via onderstaande link je naam in te vullen, en stuur het door. Beste Jan-Kees de Jager, Verheugd reageerde u op de beslissing van de Griekse overheid op 29 jun ...

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The Guardian: Defaulting rescued Argentina. It could work for Athens too

Struggling under an impossible burden after its IMF bailouts, Buenos Aires knew its one hope was to stop paying its debts and become a pariah – and so it proved By Heather Stewart, July 10 2011 Protesters on the streets of Athens this summer have been brandishing banners depicting a panicky helicopter airlift. Not Saigon at the height of the Vietnam war, but Buenos Aires in 2001, when Fernando de la Rúa fle ...

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Declaration of Support from Iceland

The Civic Movement Iceland expresses a deep concern about the way European political leaders manipulate the state of Greek economy and the reason for its collapse. It is our firm belief that the Greek public is not to blame for the economic meltdown in the world, and even though, Greek banks are now on the brink of collapse, they should not be saved at any cost. Other and more important issues have to be ad ...

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Amnesty International: "Tear gas fired as Greek police clash with Athens protesters"

29 June 2011 AI Index: PRE01/324/2011 Greek riot police must not use excessive force in their handling of violence during protests in Athens, Amnesty International said today amid reports protesters were hospitalized as police fired massive amounts of tear gas. The clashes came amid two days of protest in Syntagma square against an unpopular austerity bill, approved by the Greek Parliament today. “The large ...

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Remember about Syria and Yemen

by Jérôme E. Roos on July 5, 2011 Consumed as we may be by austerity and financial crisis, let’s not forget that the most epic battle for freedom is still being fought in the Middle East. Sometimes I wish I could lead multiple lives. Or at least work with multiple people. But since I’m still running this blog mostly by myself, I’ve had to limit myself to one specific cause, which was first the Arab Spring a ...

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