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You the people….Or not as the case may be. Greek government vote of confidence

You the people....Or not as the case may be. Greek government vote of confidence You the people...., a photo by Teacher Dude's BBQ on Flickr. Against my better judgement I found myself staying up late to follow the Greek government vote of confidence last night. Not so much to find out the result, that was a foregone conclusion after prime minister,Giorgos Papandreou's cabinet reshuffle/meltdown last week. ...

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De Griekse tragedie

Griekenland dreigt heel Europa mee te sleuren in de ondergang. Als het land niet heel snel drastisch gaat snijden in de overheidsuitgaven is het land failliet en zijn ook onze rapen gaar. Hoe staat het met de bezuinigingen? De Slag om Brussel stuurt zijn twee strengste inspecteurs naar Griekenland om daarop toe ze zien. Roland ontwijkt een traangasbom en bezoekt op een geheime missie met een belastinginspec ...

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We may lose,but what matters is how you lose.

Athenians used to stop off at Syntagma Square for the shopping, the shiny rows of upmarket boutiques. Now they arrive in their tens of thousands to protest. Swarming out of the metro station, they emerge into a village of tents, pamphleteers and a booming public address system. Since 25 May, when demonstrators first converged here, this has become an open-air concert – only one where bands have been supplan ...

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Anti-Griekenland campagne Telegraaf

NRC Handelsblad 29.05.2011 by Ingeborg Beugel. Heus, Grieken werken 41 uur per week en zijn niet verder uit te persen De vooroordelen tegen Griekenland hebben groteske vormen aangenomen. Welke Nederlander heeft drie banen om de eindjes aan elkaar te knopen? De gewone Griek krijgt de rekening betaald voor het falende beleid van de Griekse elite, betoogt Ingeborg Beugel. Voor hoe de meerderheid van de Nederla ...

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Democracy 2.0: Iceland crowdsources new constitution

By Jérôme E. Roos In just three years, Iceland went from collapse to revolution and back to growth. What can Spain and Greece learn from the Icelandic experience and its embrace of direct democracy? Just two or three years after its economy and government collapsed, Iceland is bouncing back with remarkable strength. This week, the small island nation earned praise from foreign investors despite allowing its ...

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Iceland's recovery makes case for allowing banks to fail

By Vidya Ram London, Dec. 10 With all the focus on the crisis in the euro zone and whether Spain and Portugal could follow Ireland and Greece in turning to the International Monetary Fund, it is easy to forget about one of the first nations to fall victim to the financial crisis – Iceland. For a while the country was the symbol of the financial crisis, as it allowed its banking system, lumbered under huge f ...

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Paul Krugman: Rule by Rentiers

‎"...But the reality is just the opposite: creditor-friendly policies are crippling the economy. This is a negative-sum game, in which the attempt to protect the rentiers from any losses is inflicting much larger losses on everyone else. And the only way to get a real recovery is to stop playing that game". Learn more.   The latest economic data have dashed any hope of a quick end to America’s job drou ...

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Aurélie Trouvé: What I would do as head of the IMF

Today is the deadline for nominations in the race for the IMF leadership, and I have put forward a radically alternative candidate to do the job: me. I am a French economics lecturer and have been the co-chair of the association Attac, an international organisation and network in the global justice movement, for four years. Attac is present in more than 40 countries worldwide, and has tens of thousands of a ...

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Are we having a coup?

I am not quite sure if this is an exageration but definitely it is worth reading it. My non Greek friends, I apologise, but the article is in Greek. Are we having a coup? ...

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