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Yanukovich leaves Kiev but what remains?

Victor Yanukovich has fled the capital and a warrant has been issued for his arrest. Many government administration buildings have been taken over by protesters in Kiev as well as the western Ukraine, and the parliament is back in session. But now with Yanukovich gone, who decides the future of the Ukraine? The Ukrainian Parliament came back into session on the morning of February 23rd. The president who wa ...

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Venezuela Beyond the Protests – The Revolution is Here to Stay

For those of you unfamiliar with Venezuelan issues, don’t let the title of this article fool you. The revolution referred to is not what most media outlets are showing taking place today in Caracas, with protestors calling for the ouster of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. The revolution that is here to stay is the Bolivarian Revolution, which began in 1998 when Hugo Chavez was first elected president a ...

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Is Ukraine Drifting Toward Civil War?

People ask for solutions, but no solutions are possible in a disinformed world. Populations almost everywhere are dissatisfied, but few have any comprehension of the real situation. Before there can be solutions, people must know the truth about the problems.  For those few inclined to be messengers, it is largely a thankless task. ...

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Bosnia: The Wheel Has Started Turning

David Wilson of Islington Left Unity looks at recent developments in Bosnia Three years ago, the Museum of Broken Relationships was set up in Zagreb by former lovers Olinka Vištica and Dražen Grubiši?.Displays include an axe used by a woman to smash her ex-girlfriend’s furniture together with a splintered chair, a wedding dress with its note saying, “I liked the idea that I could give something away that aw ...

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EU imposes harsh austerity on Croatia, its newest member

European Union (EU) finance ministers have placed Croatia, which joined the bloc last July, in “excessive deficit procedure.” Acting on recommendations from the European Commission, the measure subjects countries with budget deficit in excess of 3 percent and debt of more than 60 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to direct economic control by the EU, and currently affects 16 other member states. ...

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Afghanistan: The USSR left, the US wants to stay

Just before noon on Feb. 16, 25 years ago, Lieut. Gen. Boris Gromov, top Soviet commander in Afghanistan, solemnly walked across the Friendship Bridge over the Amu Darya River into Uzbekistan. He uttered the words: "Our 9-year stay ends with this." The USSR was officially out of Afghanistan. It was a unilateral withdrawal -- even as Daddy Bush, then US President, wanted to keep weaponizing those Afghan "fre ...

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Greece’s EU-presidency a blow to democracy

Since the 1st of January 2014 the presidency of EU is held by the Greek prime-minister Antonis Samaras. In Greece, this was “celebrated” from the one side with a feast where the European leaders were invited and from the other side with arrests and teargas against the protesters who took to the streets of Athens. ...

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The euro crisis and contradictions between countries in the periphery and centre of the European Union

The crisis that started in the United States in 2007-2008, hit the European Union head on in 2008, and has been causing major problems in the eurozone since 2010. [1]| Banks from the strongest European countries are responsible for spreading this plague from the United States to Europe, because they had invested massively in structured financial products. It is important to explain why this crisis has struc ...

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At last, a law to stop almost anyone from doing almost anything

Protesters, buskers, preachers, the young: all could end up with 'ipnas'. Of course, if you're rich, you have nothing to fear. Until the late 19th century much of our city space was owned by private landlords. Squares were gated, streets were controlled by turnpikes. The great unwashed, many of whom had been expelled from the countryside by acts of enclosure, were also excluded from desirable parts of town. ...

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