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State, Violence, Infrastructures and Public Spaces in the European periphery

Worried by the current crisis affecting the Eurozone and many other parts of the world, we also sometimes feel disempowered by our lack of deeper understanding of the mechanisms that have triggered such devastating developments. Some time back, Allegra started to explore the financial world (here),  the current transformations of Universities (here and here) as well as the power and failures of bureaucracie ...

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Systematic human rights violations against refugees in the Aegean sea and at the Greek-Turkish land border.

Source Link from ProAsyl The present report focuses on the barriers to accessing the territory of the European Union for people seeking international protection, and particularly on the prevailing situation at the EU land and sea borders in Greece. It describes and analyzes the fatal consequences of the closing of the land border in the Evros region, which has led to a shift in flight routes to the Aegean s ...

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Tasos Theofilou : His case and the upcoming trial

On August 2012 an armed robbery took place in Paros, an island of Greece, during which, a 53year old taxi driver, who tried to prevent the robbery, was mortally wounded. The plot For an unknown reason, counter-terrorism services took over the case of the robbery. Few days later, Tasos Theofilou, an anarcho-communist, got arrested. Counter-terrorism services claim that they were led to Tasos Theofilou, after ...

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Analysis: What lurks beneath the closure of ERT

The real reasons behind the ERT shutdown, the 300 million the state lost, and who benefits from it. By Apostolis Fotiadis The eviction of the remaining staff from former public television’s (ERT) building last night in Athens was a bitter showdown of an unequal brinkmanship. The picture of handcuffs used as a padlock at building’s gate has already become one of historical value. It is a picture from the fut ...

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The antifascist struggle will continue

On Friday 1 November in Athens two Golden Dawn members were shot in cold blood. The attacks were done in a professional manner and there is no further evidence about the attackers or the motives. Nonetheless the attack is shocking by its cruelty and the death of two young men. However, from the very first moment the government and the mainstream media try to link the attacks with the anti-fascist struggle i ...

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Greek police evacuate occupied TV station

Riot police evacuate the headquarters of former public broadcaster ERT, which had been occupied by former employees. Greek riot police stormed the building of former state television ERT and evicteddozens of protesters occupying it since June when the government abruptly shut the broadcaster, police officials said. ...

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Greek riot police evict last ERT staff

Greek police say they have removed the remaining former workers from what used to be the headquarters of the now-defunct ERT state broadcaster. The pre-dawn operation by riot police started shortly after 4am local time Thursday. Only a handful of former workers were in the building at the time, authorities said. ...

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The real agenda behind cutting red tape

By Magda Stoczkiewicz BRUSSELS - One of the worrying issues that emerged from last week’s European Council in Brussels is the ‘cut red tape’ initiative promoted by UK Prime Minister David Cameron. The proposal, which was welcomed by other EU leaders, is cause for alarm and threatens the protection of European citizens and the environment. The initiative is based on a report prepared by a UK Business Task Fo ...

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Words will always hurt

When asked what Winston Churchill did to help win the Second World War, Labour Party leader Clement Attlee, replied: "He talked about it." The potential words have to inspire people and drive events should not be underestimated but their ability to do harm should not be taken too lightly either. The words we choose can just as easily cultivate division as they can create unity. It is truly regrettable that ...

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