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Housing: Right or Commodity

ReInform is organising an event about housing that will take place on Saturday 24th of March, at 15:00, at LAB111 (Arie Biemondstraat 111, Amsterdam). You are invited to join our discussion about housing which is not considered a basic human right any more but rather a commodity very difficult to obtain. We will also talk about how our cities and neighbourhoods are now shaped to serve the market trends and ...

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Dijsselbloem, resign from Eurogroup presidency!

Dijsselbloem, treed af als voorzitter van de Eurogroep! Door Dimitris Pavlopoulos, Arbeidssocioloog VU (scroll down for English) Hoe Dijsselbloem de Griekse economie ondermijnt Op 5 juli, de dag van het referendum in Griekenland, heeft de voorzitter van de Eurogroep en PvdA prominent, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, een brief gestuurd aan de leden van zijn partij. Naar mijn mening bevat de brief van dhr. Dijsselbloem ...

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Preliminary Report of the Truth Committee on Public Debt of Greece

18 June by Truth Committee on the Greek Public Debt The Truth Committee on Public Debt (Debt Truth Committee) was established on April 4, 2015, by a decision of the President of the Hellenic Parliament, Ms Zoe Konstantopoulou, who confided the Scientific Coordination of its work to Dr. Eric Toussaint and the cooperation of the Committee with the European Parliament and other Parliaments and international or ...

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Crisis-ridden Greece hit by tax avoidance through the Netherlands

Athens, 30 March 2015 – A new report by the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) reveals that while Greece endures harsh austerity measures imposed by the European Commission, European Central Bank and IMF and supported by the Netherlands, Greece’s economic recovery is being undermined by large-scale tax avoidance – enabled by the Netherlands. Our report, Fool’s Gold , reveals that tax a ...

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Solidarity with the workers of VIOME in front of the imminent threat of liquidation of the company

The workers of VIOME in Thessaloniki, Greece, have stood up against unemployment and poverty by carrying through a long struggle to self-manage the occupied factory in very adverse conditions. For two years now, they have been producing and selling ecological cleaning products at the occupied premises, ensuring a modest income for their families. They have been working on terms of equality, taking decisions ...

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Germany Digs in Heels on Austerity as Greece Demands End to ‘Business As Usual’

As a leaked document on Wednesday suggested the German government is determined to take a hard stance against the new Syriza government, Greece's newly appointed financial minister Yanis Varoufakis declared "business as usual" is no longer an option when it comes to his nation's relationship with European creditors. Representing the new anti-austerity Syriza government, Varoufakis said he is optimistic that ...

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After the crisis, the nation state strikes back

Putin’s muscle-flexing shows the role of states in matters of war and peace, writes Mark Mazower Is the state making a comeback? It can certainly look like it. Old-fashioned interstate conflicts are roiling the China Sea and Russia’s western borders. Inter-governmental meetings such as the last Apec conference and the Group of 20 leading economies in Sydney took on an unwonted urgency. More positively, it i ...

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Job substitution

Doorbraak has published a lot of articles on the issue of forced labour for benefit claimants. The emphasis has mainly been on the regime they have to work under. But equally important is the substitution of regular paid work that is the consequence of forced labour. This substitution undermines the entire system of paid labour: why should an employer pay for workers when it is becoming easier all the time ...

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Forced Privatizations in Greece

The Greek government and its creditors seem bent on imposing policy whose economic merits and democratic legitimacy seem rather dubious. A French company is especially active among the candidates for privatizing water in Athens and Thessaloniki: Suez Environnement. ...

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May 16 Amsterdam: “Shock Doctrine” Revisited: The Authoritarian Guise of the European Union in the Crisis

“Shock Doctrine” Revisited: The Authoritarian Guise of the European Union in the Crisis REAL WORLD ECONOMICS Friday, 16 MAY 2014, 20.30 to 22.30 hours Plantage Doklaan 8-12 in Amsterdam From 19.00 hours onwards, there will be great vegan food cooked by the ‘Kollektief Rampenplan' and books for sale from Boekhandel Rooie Rat After almost seven years of global economic crisis, the crisis’ disruptive impact co ...

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