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Shell accused of fuelling violence in Nigeria by paying rival militant gangs

The Dutch Oil company rejects watchdog's claims that its local contracts made it complicit in the killing of civilians. David Smith The Guardian, Monday 3 October 2011 Shell has fuelled armed conflict in Nigeria by paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to feuding militant groups, according to an investigation by the oil industry watchdog Platform, and a coalition of non-government organisations. Militants ...

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A very brief analysis of the so-called Greek problem

Many things are said the last few weeks about the Greek debt problem and the attitude of the Hellenic State and its citizens collectively. As an artistic vehicle of Greek origin Nightfall take the opportunity to offer music people -who may lack proper information about the political and financial matters ruling everyone’s life these harsh days- a brief view of current events. Firstly it is worthy to mention ...

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Greece is sinking even deeper in the Financial Crisis.

[Swedish reporter] Kajsa Ekis Ekman visited this misunderstood country with a broken social contract where... everybody agrees with each other. How would it feel if all that belong to us were sold to pay back loans, from which we never received any benefit? If our salaries were cut down to half and the money went directly to foreign banks? And if, while we were preparing ourselves to struggle for a bare livi ...

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Is Greece Europe’s Trojan Horse?

Groningen 6 Oct. Yanis Varoufakis Co-speaker Michael Koetter Language English The Euro is in crisis. Europe’s politicians and central bankers are in confusion. And European electorates balk at more bailouts and more centralization. Is the Euro finished? Should the ‘PIIGS’ (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain) never have joined the Eurozone? Will Greece go bankrupt? Who will follow? And do we need a U ...

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Greece must default and quit the euro. The real debate is how

A Greek default and exit must be taken in the people's interests – not entrusting the process to the EU, IMF and banks. Costas Lapavitsas for Greece is facing an economic and social disaster, the result of its so-called rescue by the "troika" of the EU, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank. Greece must change course to avoid a grim future for its people: it must defau ...

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The New York Times: Banks Push Greek Bailout Plan

By LANDON THOMAS Jr. LONDON — No bank likes to take a loss, especially those in Europe that already suffer from a toxic mix of thin capital, troubled financing and weak loan books. But in the case of the proposed second bailout for Greece — the one that is supposed to make private investors feel the financial pain along with taxpayers — the biggest banks in Europe are on the road now promoting the plan. It’ ...

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Deutsche Bank berät Griechen bei Umschuldung

by Financial Time Deutschland Deutschlands größtes Geldhaus in einer Dreifachrolle: als Gläubiger, als Ideengeber für die Umschuldung in Person von Josef Ackermann – und nun auch noch als Berater der Griechen. Heikel ist auch die Rolle von BNP Paribas. von Barbara Schäder Frankfurt Die Deutsche Bank wird sich an der geplanten Umschuldung Griechenlands gleich mehrfach beteiligen: Als Gläubiger und ...

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Greek rescue bizarrely increases its debts

By Hugo Dixon The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own. Listen to the politicians and one might think that Greece’s debts will fall as a result of last week’s provisional rescue by euro zone leaders and private-sector creditors. In fact, they go up. Athens’ borrowings will increase by 31 billion euros under the rescue scheme, according to an analysis by Reuters Bre ...

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The Guardian: Greece set to default on massive debt burden, European leaders concede

• Bailout fund may be used to buy back Greek debt • Markets in turmoil amid escalating anxiety By Ian Traynor European leaders bowed to the inevitable and conceded that Greece is likely to default on its massive debt burden, which would be a first among the 17 countries using the euro. They also abruptly shifted tack in the eurozone debt crisis by raising the possibility of using the eurozone's bailout fund ...

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The Wall Street Journal: Greece Is About to Get Hosed

By Mark Gongloff After this week’s political drama in Greece has faded, the EU and private investors still must come up with a way of rolling over Greek debt without triggering a default. And it increasingly looks like the plan being hammered out for that purpose will be bad for Greece. In a nutshell, the idea is that banks and insurance companies owning Greek debt will be able to trade half of the Greek bo ...

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