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Discussion event on nationalism

In the last years, nationalism in many European countries is on the rise, differently manifested in each of them. In Greece, a supposed threat from neighbouring countries has replaced to a great extent the concern about the real economic disaster caused in the last decade by the Greek and foreign elites. In many countries, including the Netherlands, refugees and immigrants especially from the Middle East ar ...

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‘Macedonian issue’: What is really at stake?

After two decades, the issue of the name of Macedonia is back at the center of public attention. This topic is now being discussed between the governments of Greece and Macedonia or F.Y.R.O.M. (‘Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’ which is the temporary internationally agreed name) at Davos under the supervision of the United Nations and the great powers. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, the newly consti ...

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44 years since the Athens Polytechnic Uprising against the Military Junta

From the start in 1967, the junta, trying to control every aspect of politics, had interfered with student syndicalism, banning student elections in universities, forcefully drafting leftist students and enforcing non-elected student syndicate leaders in the national student’s syndicate, EFEE. These actions eventually created a fierce anti-junta sentiment among students that was first manifested by the suic ...

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Commemoration of Kristallnacht, 9th November, 19.30 at Stopera, hoek Zwanenburgwal/Amstel, Amsterdam

Herdenk de Kristallnacht 2014 - Stop racisme en fascisme in Europa! Zoals elk jaar sinds 1992 herdenken we ook dit jaar op 9 november de Kristallnacht die in 1938 in Duitsland plaatsvond. Honderden synagogen en winkels van joden werden vernield en in één nacht werden bijna honderd joden vermoord. Er waren jaren van discriminatie, intimidatie en uitsluiting van joden aan vooraf gegaan. Waarom herdenken wij d ...

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Hasta siempre, Comandante! Che Guevara’s ideas flourish decades on

Che Guevera died 47 years ago, but he continues to inspire millions around the world. The popularity he enjoys so many years after his death is proof that though “they” may have killed the man, “they” will never extinguish the ideas for which he died. On 9 October 1967, Ernesto “Che” Guevara was executed by a Bolivian army officer at the end of his ill-fated attempt to foment revolution throughout Latin Ame ...

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Operation Gladio, Italy

The history of the secret neo-fascist army in Italy set up ostensibly to resist Soviet invasion, but in reality to be used in the event of the working class growing too strong once again   Following the end of World War II, the Italian workers’ movement was rapidly gaining strength. In some towns the fascists had been kicked out by Resistance forces (a ...

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Anne Frank’s Amsterdam: Nazi Occupation Of The Dutch Capital Contrasted With Images Of The Modern City

These incredible 'then-and-now' images show Anne Frank's Amsterdam contrasted with shots of the city from today. The pictures, which are part of an app called Anne Frank’s Amsterdam, show the Dutch capital under the occupation of the Nazis, with modern views set against dramatic black and white images of tanks, soldiers and refugees. Anne, who lived in hiding between 1942 and 1944, was eventually discovered ...

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Lessons From the Working Class

“The consciousness of a worker is not a curve that rises and falls with wages and prices; it is the accumulation of a lifetime of experience and socialization, inherited traditions, struggles successful and defeated . . . It is this weighty baggage that goes into the making of a worker’s consciousness and provides the basis for his behavior when conditions ripen . . . and the moment comes.” – E. P. Thompson ...

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Chile: Forty years on from US-imposed terror

September 11 is a date forever associated with mass murder of civilians — and this was the case nearly three decades before the 2001 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in New York. This year, September 11 marks the 40th anniversary of the US-organised military coup that overthrew the elected left-wing government of Salvador Allende and installed a brutal dictatorship headed by General Augusto Pinochet. ...

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Greece’s Unsettled WWII German Reparations: A Stain in the International Legal System

Frustrated with the persistent refusal of Germany to settle the decades long pending WWII German reparation obligations, ordinary Greek citizens have organized a petition and are collecting signatures to demand the long delayed settlement. The ongoing petition at is receiving support and solidarity from people around the world (over 188,000 signatures by now), which proves the cla ...

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