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A Conversation With Noam Chomsky

Michael Nevradakis Ph.D student in Media Studies, University of Texas at Austin   Is austerity the way forward for Greece and other countries that are in the throes of a severe economic crisis? According to much of the world's media, the answer to that is a resounding "yes." Since the outbreak of the economic crisis in Greece in late 2009, many prominent media outlets, including all of Greece's major t ...

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Interview with Richard Wolff on debt

Richard Wolff, an American economist, on debt - interview by Helen Skopis, Athens International Radio, February 2011 on Youtube "The largest holders of Greek, Irish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian sovereign debt are the biggest banks in Europe, particularly those in France and Germany and so forth. If you permitted the renegotiation of debt [...], then you would put the problem in the hands of the German, ...

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