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Filmmaker Captures Unguarded Racist Hatred of Greece’s Hostile Golden Dawn Party

By JAKE WHITMAN via Nightline Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames. In Greece, a country crippled by debt and years of failed leadership, a young filmmaker went inside the hate-fueled, rebellious political party known as "Golden Dawn" to capture its members' vocal hostility against immigrants in a society on the brink. Greece's ancient cities, where tourists can wander the shadows of the Acro ...

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Zapatistas celebrate 10 years of autonomy with ‘escuelita’| ROAR + message from OWSZapatista and SupMarcos

by OrsanSenalp An email from comrade OWSZapatista follows and attached is the last communiqes from SupMarcos… The Zapatistas invite 1.500 activists from all over the world to a ‘Little School of Liberty’ in Chiapas to learn from their experiment with autonomy. It was 10 years ago, on January 1, 2003, when — having exhausted the road of dialogue with the government as well the one of a “big R” Revolution tha ...

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Αnnouncement of the ERT workers’ union (POSPERT)

Today, the Greek government ordered the employees of the Greek Public Broadcaster (ERT) to evacuate the premises of the broadcaster. They also announced that the closure of ERT is definite and that a new broadcaster will be launched with fewer employees in an indefinite period. The union of ERT workers issued the following announcement as a response. The government will most probably send the riot police to ...

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ERT workers vow to continue broadcasts after govt shutdown

 Staff continue broadcasts on web Screens went blank hours on Tuesday after a government announcement that it was closing national broadcaster ERT for an unspecified period of time and lay off over 2,600 workers, presenting it as a cost-cutting drive demanded by the troika A 'no signal ' sign appears on the public ERT, NET and ERT3 channels, after the government suspended state television and radio broadcas ...

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RUINS: Chronicle of an HIV witch-hunt – A new documentary by radiobubble.

In May 2012, in the run-up to the general election, the Greek authorities rounded up hundreds of women from the streets of Athens. They made them take rapid tests for HIV. Those diagnosed positive were charged with prostitution and the intent to spread the virus. Their mug shots, names and personal details were published in the media. They were imprisoned. And they became unwitting pawns in a political game ...

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You’re being watched; the government just doesn’t know your name while it’s doing it.

Verizon court order: telephone call metadata and what it can show The US insists call data is not private information, but critics say it allows government to build detailed picture of individuals' lives The US government has long argued that 'metadata' isn't private or personal: it's the equivalent of looking at the envelope of a letter. When does mass data collection get personal? When it comes to the con ...

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Young leftist activist brain dead after ‘politically motivated’ Paris skinhead attack

A left-wing French activist has been rendered brain dead after being brutally assaulted by neo-Nazi skinheads. Police called the attack against the 19-year-old ‘politically motivated.’ Police described the attack against left-wing anti-fascist activist Clément Méric as “politically motivated incident involving the far-right versus the far-left,” with witnesses saying angry words were exchanged between he an ...

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Hungry Britain: welfare cuts leave more than 500,000 people forced to use food banks

More than half a million Britons have resorted to using food banks to stave off hunger and destitution, the Government has been warned. Major charities signalled their alarm over a dramatic rise in the nation's "hidden hungry" – families who are forced to ask for help to feed themselves – because of wage cuts, the squeeze on benefits and the continuing economic downturn. The numbers have trebled in the past ...

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