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Map of grassroots groups in Greece

By Still think Greeks are sitting idle, the helpless victims of events in their country? Think again. In March and April 2013 we carried out a study to map all the grassroots movements in Greece who are stepping in where the system is failing. Here's the result: a poster showing all the groups that are currently active in Greece, split into nine categories from neighbourhood assemblies to  ...

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Utrecht (Netherlands): Eviction Ubica

Saturday May 25th at 3pm, the last squatter of the Ubica was removed from the building. Since friday evening 11pm, police and riot police were busy evicting the building on the Ganzenmarkt in Utrecht. After nine month procedures, the higher court decided on friday that the squatters had to leave the building by monday. The squatters took the initiative not to wait. “The authorities choose the confrontation. ...

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Radiobubble: Independent media community in Athens Greece

We’re an open medium for communication and information, run by a community of volunteers. We’re based in Athens, even though many of us live in other cities around the world. We operate on the basis of relationships of trust and mutual respect. We don’t follow the hierarchical structure of conventional, mainstream media. We inform the world of events in crisis-hit Greece through a permanent newsfeed. We con ...

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The Violence of Austerity in Greece – Photo exhibition

    Photos by Marios Lolos, president of the Greek Union of Photojournalists, Dimitris Michalakis, Yiannis Karabatsos, Yiannis Biliris and the archive of the newspaper Avgi, document the effects of austerity measures on the Greek society. The exhibition will also host the collection of photos #MAT1236 showing the police brutality in Greece. Citizens struck by poverty and hunger, massive protests a ...

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Solidarity Hunger strike in The Hague

On Thursday, May 16th, 10:00, a two-day solidarity hunger strike will start at the Plein in The Hague, to show our support to the hunger- and thirst strike in detention center Rotterdam. We want to draw attention to Dutch asylum policy which aims to exclude refugees from society and call for an immediate policy change. Descent asylum policy ensures that people in emergency are guaranteed safety and a future ...

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Denouncing the murderous attack to Greek anti-mining activists in Megali Panagia, Chalkidiki.

The struggle for water and nature is a struggle for life and will always prevail! Initiative 136 Think of the following scenario, typical up to now in countries in Latin America: A government in debt to the banks is under surveillance by the FMI and applies neoliberal austerity measures that provoke recession and drive the majority of the population into unemployment and poverty. ...

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We are all teachers!

The government’s attack on the rights and needs of the working people is targeting education. Students and teachers are sacrificed in order to repay the bankers and creditors and protect business profits. The wretched tripartite government and the Troika aim to slash public spending for Education. They vote emergency laws limiting the number of teachers in the public schools. They close thousands of schools ...

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German engineering workers strike to press pay demands

(Reuters) - Almost 100,000 metal and electrical workers went on strike across Germany on Tuesday as they sought to put pressure on their employers to increase a pay offer, engineering union IG Metall said. The union is calling for wage hikes of up to 5.5 percent for some 3.7 million workers from May. It has so far rejected an offer from employers to increase wages by 2.3 percent from July following two mont ...

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