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IMF chief Christine Lagarde interview in Amsterdam interrupted by student demonstration

AMSTERDAM — International Monetary Fund head Christine Lagarde’s appearance at the University of Amsterdam has been interrupted by chanting students. IMF Managing Director Lagarde was speaking to students about the European debt crisis when organized students mixed in with the audience began interrupting pre-approved questions, apparently with criticism of the fund’s policies. Security guards grabbed severa ...

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May Day protests against Bangladesh factory owners

Tens of thousands of Bangladeshis joined May Day protests Wednesday to demand the execution of textile bosses over the collapse of a factory complex, as rescuers warned the final toll could be more than 500. Despite calls by the prime minister for "cool heads", tensions over the country's deadliest industrial disaster showed little sign of abating and there were fears of more violence and vandalism at texti ...

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“15″ – Antifascism, Repression, Torture.

This documentary is the first work by the AudioVisual Collective "Alpha". You can download and share the video from Vimeo with English subtitles by ReINFORM Link "15" - Antifascism, Repression, Torture. from Reinform NL on Vimeo. This  is a short video documenting the events on 30th  of September and has testimonies from the tortured antifascists. This is a little overview of the event posted on Guardian : ...

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Six arrested for taking down the Greek flag

Police detained a total of 69 anti-establishment demonstrators who were protesting the shutdown of Indymedia   Anti-establishment demonstrators take down the Greek flag from the roof of the Athens University in protest against the shutdown of Indymedia. The government spokesman says the «violent taking down of the Greek flag offends the national sentiment of the Greek people» Police on Wednesday detained 63 ...

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Protests in Madrid Against Public Health Privatization

Sunday, April 21. A massive demonstration was staged in the main streets of the capital to protest the plans of the government of the Community of Madrid to privatize the management of six hospitals and 27 health centers. Tens of thousands of people joined this Sunday the so called White Tide, an allusion to the color of the doctors' white coat, to demand free, quality public health. Users and professionals ...

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Free media in Greece are under attack

Athens Indymedia and independent radio station 98fm are under attack since yesterday. Repression shall not pass! The website of three independent media that are associated to the movement,, Radio 98FM and Radio Entasi are not accessible since Thursday noon due to state repression.[divide] Their ISPs stopped providing an internet connection following the prosecutors decision. Three of th ...

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Crisis at the VU University Amsterdam: another symptom of ‘marketization’

Over the last 1.5 years, the VU University Amsterdam has been embroiled in a battle against severe budgetary cuts. The university board (consisting of three members, one of whom is the former CEO of a port company and another, the former CEO of a bank), has launched a reorganization program that includes budget cuts of €33 million. This reorganization will result in 500-600 layoffs (a reduction of 350 full- ...

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Together we can prevent 100.000 lay offs in the homecare!

Last Saturday home care workers protested massively in the Hague. More than 6000 home care workers joined one of the biggest demonstration in the Netherlands. Rutte's cabinet plans to reduce the government's home care budget by 1,1 billion euros. Such a plan will lead to 100.000 lay offs in the social sector.         ...

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Geen vluchteling op straat of in de cel

Last Saturday over 2000 people participated in the demonstration in Amsterdam to support the refugees’ struggle for a normal life. Every year the asylum requests of thousands of refugees are denied. According to the Dutch state these people are supposed to return to their country of origin. However, in many cases this is impossible: their country of origin does not provide them with the correct documents, r ...

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