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Overleg sociaal plan VU loopt stuk

Het overleg tussen Abvakabo FNV, de overige werknemersorganisaties en het College van Bestuur van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) over een sociaal plan is stukgelopen. De VU wil niet tegemoetkomen aan de belangrijkste eisen van medewerkers: geen gedwongen ontslag en een salarisgarantie voor herplaatste werknemers. ...

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This Is What Democracy Looks Like

Comment by the creator: I edited this small video in homage to those who fight against the tyranny worldwide. A radical, viral video. I am shocked by the violent and systematic repressions of the authorities on the protesters defending our rights, indignant by irresponsible and not democratic political decisions. While trying to be optimistic, I cannot refrain from thinking that we arrive at a point of no r ...

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Zaterdag, 14 juli: Wees solidair met de ontslagen werknemers van Turkish Airlines (THY)

De werknemers van Turkish Airlines (THY) strijden al zes weken tegen de ontslagen en het stakingsverbod in de luchtvaart. Het bestuur van THY, gesteund door de AKP-regering, wil niets weten van de rechtvaardige eisen van duizenden werknemers. Sterker nog, de bazen worden steeds agressiever tegen de arbeiders die opkomen voor hun rechten. Bliksemsnel stakingsverbod De maanden durende cao-onderhandelingen tus ...

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'Spain is rising up!' Raging miners invade Madrid

Thousands of Spanish miners and their supporters flooded the streets of Madrid in a second day of mass protests, just hours after the country’s leader announced a nationwide tax hike. Workers marched up the city’s main avenue, wearing hardhats and carrying walking sticks, to protest outside the Industry Ministry. Many walked for nearly three weeks in the blazing sun before finally reaching Madrid. The crowd ...

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“You can’t? We can!”

Workers at Mining Industry factory in Northern Greece vote for and prepare for self-management of their factory – victory to the workers!   greek original   Concerning the struggle at VIOMIHANIKI METALLEYTIKI (Mining Industry) in Thessaloniki The administration of VIOMIHANIKI METALLEYTIKI, a subsidiary of Filkeram-Johnson, has abandoned the factory since May 2011, along with its workers. In respon ...

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The less we work, the more we do/Hoe minder we werken, hoe meer we doen

(voor Nederlands scroll down) An evening of debate on new activist movements, traditional workers organizations, creation of jobs and the end of unlimited exploitation of resources. Case study: Steelworkers and miners strikes in Greece and Spain.Organized by Take the Square-Zuid Holland and REinFORM WHERE: Vondelbunker, Amsterdam WHEN: 14th of July, Saturday, from 18'00 to 21'00  In October 2011, Greek ...

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Chomsky: On the History of the U.S. Economy in Decline

The Occupy movement has been an extremely exciting development. Unprecedented, in fact. There’s never been anything like it that I can think of.  If the bonds and associations it has established can be sustained through a long, dark period ahead — because victory won’t come quickly — it could prove a significant moment in American history. The fact that the Occupy movement is unprecedented is quite appropri ...

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The World Class Struggle: The Geography of Protest

When times are good, and the world-economy is expanding in terms of new surplus-value produced, the class struggle is muted. It never goes away, but as long as there is a low level of unemployment and the real incomes of the lower strata are going up, even if only in small amounts, social compromise is the order of the day. ...

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23/6 Discussion Amsterdam – The aftermath of the Greek elections

The result of the elections of 17 June creates the necessity of discussing and seeking the way to continue the struggle. Although both the elections of May 6 and those of June 17 delivered the message that people cannot tolerate any more austerity, in the latter elections fear prevailed. EU-officials crossed any acceptable line, ignored the message of the previous elections and interfered in Greece’s domest ...

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From Athens to Amsterdam: NO to the cutbacks!

Saturday June 16th Solidarity rally 15:00 Beursplein, Amsterdam From Athens to Amsterdam: NO to the cutbacks! Solidarity with the Greek resistance against European austerity The developments in Greece concern all of us. The long-lasting implementation of harsh austerity measures has led the country into a deep social crisis. The EU and the IMF demand the continuation of these disastrous policies in Greece a ...

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