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Indefinite strike by miners in Spain

By Lupax 1st of May, 1962. The dictator Franco organizes a pompous and festive spectacle for workers from all over the State for Labor day. In this way, the Regime presents itself as a machine for peace between social classes. But behind this apparent harmony, the miners in Asturias have been striking for already a month. This social conflict became one of the biggest challenges that the dictator had to con ...

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The strike at Greek Steelworks was declared illegal

The strike of the workers at Greek Steelworks was declared illegal yesterday by court order. The steelworkers have been striking for 220 days, refusing to accept wage reductions, "flexible" work hours and demanding that their fired coworkers be hired back. The strike has won the support of trade unions and organizations from all over the world. It is one of the many struggles at the workplace that are curre ...

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Tahrir Square protests resume over Mubarak and presidential election

Thousands march on Tahrir to demand retrial for Mubarak and removal of Ahmed Shafik from the presidential runoff. Thousands of protesters descended on Tahrir Square on Tuesday as the schism threatening to tear Egyptian politics apart continued ahead of the presidential election runoff later this month. Several marches set off throughout the capital to join up with protesters already in Tahrir. The latest ro ...

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We live in Europe where currently any alternative suggestion about how to structure our society and economy is met with negative criticism by the media and the vast majority of our society. Any movement or development that questions the “economic orthodoxy” is treated at best as non realistic and at worst as dangerous. At the same time, the rise of nationalism, racism, fascism and Nazism does not seem to ra ...

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Amsterdam Event (Friday 01 June): Catastroïka (documentary)

Fail to understand what’s going on in Greece right now means missing a complete view of the Europe (and the world) we live in. Coming out two years after Debtocracy, this documentary goes beyond Greece showing the process of investment, debt formation and savage privatisation from a global perspective. And Catastroika analyses how we have come to a neoliberal society and where responsibilities lie, not forg ...

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An illegal demonstration of 250,000 shakes Quebec society

Tuesday, May 22nd saw the largest act of civil disobedience in Canadian history. Between 250,000 and 350,000 youth and workers came out onto the streets of Montreal and openly defied the emergency law that requires police approval of protest routes eight hours in advance. A widely publicized “official route” was broken; the crowd turned away, following an unannounced path. The crowd was enormous, and easily ...

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Ireland vote NO for us on 31 May

Solidarity actions are organised across Europe asking the Irish to vote NO for all Europeans in their referendum on the austerity treaty.   Ireland stands as the only country of the 25 signatories to the EU fiscal treaty that will subject the treaty to a referendum. On 31 May, Irish citizens will have the chance to determine their future--to say NO to permanent austerity through a rejection of the treaty. F ...

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Quebec students mobilize against draconian law aimed at breaking four-month strike

By Roger Annis, May 18, 2012 MONTREAL—The strike of post-secondary students in Quebec has taken a dramatic turn with the provincial government rushing adoption of a special law on May 18 to suspend the school year at strike-bound institutions until August and outlaw protest activity deemed disruptive of institutions not participating in the strike. Details of Bill 78 were unveiled the day before and debated ...

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More than 300 refugees in protest camp at detention centre in Netherlands.

A protest camp set up by refugees facing deportation to countries such as Iraq and Somalia has swelled to more than 300 members. Immigration minister Gerd Leers has warned that the situation in Ter Apel cannot be sustained long-term. The camp outside the detention centre in Ter Apel, in the northern province of Groningen, is mainly populated by Iraqis who have been ordered to return to their homeland becaus ...

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Noam Chomsky: What next for Occupy?

The Occupy movement built a global sense of community and put unprecedented inequality on the agenda. In an exclusive extract, the eminent US thinker asks where it goes now. This is the transcript of a discussion that took place earlier this year between Noam Chomsky and Occupy supporters Mikal Kamil and Ian Escuela for InterOccupy, an organisation that provides links between supporters of the Occupy moveme ...

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